The Way Ahead for Open, Distance and Digital Education

Guest post by Terry Anderson

In a time of such a rapid expansion of the learning scenarios as the one we’re experiencing, educational research is quite often an exercise of anticipation. However, given this is also a time of scarce recourses we cannot afford to lose focus and need to be strategic in our goals. What are the priorities for research then? What are the main challenges ahead? What are the topics and issues we should target? Last April 23rd, upon the invitation from my colleague Professor Anja Oskamp, I had the privilege of delivering the opening keynote address at the EADTU-EU Summit 2015 – Innovating Higher Education by New Modes of Teaching, which was held in Brussels. My topic was exactly «the challenges for research in ODeL». Drawing from the output of EDEN’s RW8 in Oxford I’ve presented a possible charter for the way ahead. You can find my presentation here.

Throughout the years EDEN has in fact established itself as a world leading organization in the support to quality research in open, distance and digital education. In my view, this results from having adopted such a comprehensive approach to the field and established a multidimensional connection with the community. In fact, we help researchers and institutions to network, to find partners and start new projects. But, we also assist them in their collaboration, encourage them to share openly knowledge and best practices, and assure the international dissemination of their projects results and outcomes. Last but not least, we also recognize their scientific and professional merit…

Read the full post here.

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