An inspiring week of reflections for the EDEN community
EDEN thanks all the participants, moderators, panelists, organisers and partner associations who supported us in hosting once again an insightful European Online and Distance Learning Week. We welcomed a total of 700 online attendees at 8 webinars, with 36 moderators and speakers. This year we renewed our partnership with USDLA, ODLAA and FLANZ. We had a special contribution from ICDE and Blackboard.
Students’ voice was represented in the session lead by Airina Volungevičienė.
We closed the EODLW series of webinars with a motivating discussion lead by Sandra Kucina, featuring Georgi Dimitrov, Josep A. Planell Estany, Mark Brown, Airina Volungevičienė and Alfredo Soeiro.
This week represented an excellent opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim to identify and pursue the good practices in online teaching and learning. Among the topics, MOOC, XR technologies, OER and microcredentials were discussed by experts in these fields.
Rewatch all EODLW webinars here
EODLW in numbers

Why did we need a pandemic as the catalyst for the digital transformation of higher education?
The transformation has been apparent, a real transformation requires time and determination from all stakeholders involved (from Mark Brown’s speech).
We have to build new models to facilitate the online learners, digital tools shall serve us to improve communication (from Alfredo Soeiro’s speech).
Open universities have the duty to lead the digital transformation from the experience they have since before the pandemic (from Josep A. Planell Estany’s speech).
What is the role of the Digital Education Action Plan in contributing to shaping a new European Education Area?
The DEAP will support building a European digital education area, which is a priority of the European Commission. The Digital Education Hub will create an interface of cooperation between policy, research and private sector and aims to increase and deepen the dialogue with member states on the present needs in digital education (from Georgi Dimitrov’s speech).

We thank Blackboard Europe for participating in the webinar
‘Stepping up to the plate! How technology has supported ODL during and after the pandemic‘.