Elena Trepulé
Dr. Elena Trepulė after a public call has been appointed by EDEN DLE Management Boardas a Secretary General in May, 2022. Elena Trepule is an associate professor at Education Academy, Vytautas Magnus university (LT), an active participant and researcher of multiple international research (Lithuanian Research Council) and applied research projects and networks across Europe as well as EDEN in the topics of open online learning, technology enhanced learning and adult education. Since 2005 she has been working as an independent expert for the European Education Executive Agency, Eurydice, European Network of Adult Education (Ecorys Ltd.), Lithuanian Education Exchanges Support Foundation (national agency) and Youth International Cooperation Agency (national agency). Since 2015 Elena has been a regional ambassador of EPALE portal for adult educators, 2015 – 2022 – a regional representative of Lithuanian Association of Adult Education (member of EAEA) in Kaunas.