EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy (DELA)
November 5 @ 08:00 – November 7 @ 17:00
Who should join?
- Leaders, middle managers and emerging leaders leading or supporting digital transformation in their institution
- Experienced senior leaders with strategic planning responsibilities for digital education
- Teams of leaders and emerging leaders from the same institution responsible for implementing a digital education strategy
What does it involve?
- Inspiring talks by renown educational leaders
- Strategic thinking workshops to help envision the future of digital learning
- Real-life dilemmas, case examples and future scenarios facing institutions
- Active problem-solving to develop research informed responses to the digital challenges and opportunities confronting organisations
- A highly engaging social programme for networking and professional learning
Challenge yourself and future-proof your institution by becoming a graduate of the EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy!
What is the EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy?
- A place to learn from others
- A place to experience different strategies for digital education leadership
- A place to tackle challenges and create solutions together
- A place for professional networking
- A place to envision the future of digital education
Why participate?
- To connect with other European colleagues
- To find effective ways of realising the potential of digital transformation
- To help develop new strategies which tackle the challenges of digitalization
- To refine your leadership toolbox and find solutions together
- To envision the future of digital education
What will you learn?
- How other higher education institutions are responding to their challenges of digital transformation
- How to undertake a horizon scan of future trends and the impact they may have on your organisation
- What factors need to be considered when developing a successful digital transformation strategy
- Effective strategies other educational leaders are using to harness the potential of digital education
- How to challenge yourself and future-proof your institution by becoming a graduate of the EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy.
EDEN DELA Graduates 2023

EDEN DELA Graduates 2024

More information coming soon.
More information coming soon.
More information coming soon.
The venue for EDEN Digital Education Academy has been purposefully chosen to be Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. The UOC was created in 1995 as the world’s first university with a virtual campus, which allowed its students to study at any time from any location. The University continually uses cutting-edge e-learning research and innovation to refine the UOC methodology. This is possible thanks to UOC R&I and its 50 plus research groups, as well as the eLearning Innovation Center, which drives educational innovation at the UOC. With more than 100,000 graduates, it is now one of the biggest universities in Spain.
EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy will be organized in a modern UOC campus located in an ex-industrial creative and cultural Poblenou area allowing an easy reach to the Barcelona central attractions and a walking distance to the beach.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, The U building Carrer del Perú, 52, 08018 Barcelona. See the location on Google Maps.

Plan Your Stay in Barcelona
As Barcelona is such a travel destination hotels are not interested in prebooking rooms for participants. There are many different hotels and other types of accomodation around the venue. Therefore, we advise prebooking yourself a most convenient type of accomodation as soon as you plan your trip to DELA.
EDEN DELA Social Programme – November 6
19:00 Visit and dinner
More information coming soon.
EDEN DELA 2024 Visit to Gaudi Casa Vicens

EDEN DELA 2023 Visit to Casa Milà from Gaudí