EDEN DLE Continues to Collaborate with United States Distance Learning Association Signing a Memorandum of Understanding
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to promote and enhance cooperation between EDEN DLE and USDLA. Lead by an spirit of cooperation and reciprocity, both organizations look forward to continue collaborating for building a bright future for EDEN, USDLA and the whole distance and e-learning communities around the world.
United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)
United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) is the premier professional membership organization designed to Advocate and Support the needs of Distance Education leaders. USDLA’s resources support the Distance Education Professional Community who serve education, business, health, and government. Founded in 1987, its vision and mission to advocate, research, and share best practices in the utilization of distance learning modalities in education, business, health, and government nationally and internationally continues today. USDLA offers itsmembers networking opportunities through its annual conference, monthly/weekly webinars, discussion with peers, thought leaders, and researchers in the field of distance education. Volunteer opportunities include committee membership, support to local state chapter, and/or selection to the Board of Directors. USDLA represents constituencies in education, business, health, and government nationally and internationally as its voice continues to influence policy development, research, leadership, and best practices in Distance Education. Find more information on USDLA Official Website.