
EDEN Graz Annual Conference 2024

The 32nd EDEN Annual Conference 2024 took place in Graz University (Austria) June 16-18 hosted by professor Kathrin Marie Otrel-Cass, has attracted participants from 32 countries, including the USA, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Vietnam and Australia, who submitted 167 submissions – full and concise papers, posters as well as action labs and PhD thesis presentations. 

EDEN Graz AC 2024 has kicked-off with the Opening session Greetings from the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research of Austria Prof. Dr. Martin Polaschek, Rector of University of Graz Dr. Peter Riedler, EDEN President Josep M. Duart and a spotlight presentation of Francesca Maltauro, Deputy Head of Unit Digital Education at the EC DG for Education and Culture about current and future developments in the EU digital education policy. The keynote by Lidija Kralj, Expert for AI and Data, Member of the EC, UNESCO working groups from Croatia invited participants into ”Treasure Hunt in AI Land” with many important reflections along the way.

June 17 afternoon plenary included 3 spotlight speakers:  Professor of Digital Societies at the University of Graz Juliane Jarke with a speech “Does AI Dream of Risk-Free Education? The Politics and Pitfalls of Risk Mitigation in Learning Analytics”, EDEN DLE Vice-President for Research, Director for the Institute of Educational Technology of The Open University (UK) Denise Whitelock presenting “Moving Forward with AI and Automatic Feedback Systems: Opportunities and Challenges for Student Success” and Martin Ebner, Head of the Department Educational Technology at Graz University of Technology (Austria) “Why Do We Still Need MOOCs For Education?”. 

June 18 morning plenary started with interesting and invigorating EDEN Graz Annual Conference Keynote presentations: “Personalized AI Tutoring as a Social Activity: Paradox or Possibility?” by Ron Owston, Research Associate for AI in Higher Education, Contact North, Canada and “Why Does the Tiger Leap? Towards Digital (Higher) Education” by Sabina Sägi, Head of Research Cooperation, EdTech Estonia.

EDEN Graz AC also announced important news for EDEN community – due to the end of term of President Josep M.Duart, the current Member of EDEN DLE Management Board, President electus  Wim Van Petegem (KU Leuven, BE)is stepping in October, 2024.