- This event has passed.
2017 Athens
October 20, 2017 @ 00:00 – October 22, 2017 @ 00:00
Registration is free
The aim of the conference is to introduce and discuss the notion of the “Open School”. A school that effectively introduces innovations in education is an engaging environment not only for the students and teachers. It re-designs learning to accommodate and include difference and brings together families, community groups, local businesses, experts, universities, and others into an innovation ecosystem.
Call for submissions:
Proposals are invited for Papers and Poster presentations on the selected themes. Abstracts and inquiries about the conference content should be sent by e-mail no later than 15 September 2017.
Pre-conference event:
On Friday 20 October 2017, the pre-conference event “How to promote the development of self-regulated learning for primary school children?” will take place. The objectives of this pre-conferece event are:
- To familiarise teachers with Self Regulated Learning.
- Provide hands-on experience with Self Regulated Learning teaching application.
- To develop practical recommendations for integrating teaching of SRL in their classroom activities.
Conference Deadlines:
- Submission of Abstracts: 15 September 2017
- Notification of Authors: 22 September 2017
- Submission of full Papers & Posters (for publication in the proceedings): 10 October 2017
- Conference Dates: 20-22 October 2017
For more information visit the Conference website.