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EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy (DELA)
November 29, 2023 @ 08:00 – December 1, 2023 @ 17:00
Who should join?
- Leaders, middle managers and emerging leaders leading or supporting digital transformation in their institution
- Experienced senior leaders with strategic planning responsibilities for digital education
- Teams of leaders and emerging leaders from the same institution responsible for implementing a digital education strategy
What does it involve?
- Inspiring talks by renown educational leaders
- Strategic thinking workshops to help envision the future of digital learning
- Real-life dilemmas, case examples and future scenarios facing institutions
- Active problem-solving to develop research informed responses to the digital challenges and opportunities confronting organisations
- A highly engaging social programme for networking and professional learning
Challenge yourself and future-proof your institution by becoming a graduate of the EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy!
What is the EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy?
- A place to learn from others
- A place to experience different strategies for digital education leadership
- A place to tackle challenges and create solutions together
- A place for professional networking
- A place to envision the future of digital education
Why participate?
- To connect with other European colleagues
- To find effective ways of realising the potential of digital transformation
- To help develop new strategies which tackle the challenges of digitalization
- To refine your leadership toolbox and find solutions together
- To envision the future of digital education
What will you learn?
- How other higher education institutions are responding to their challenges of digital transformation
- How to undertake a horizon scan of future trends and the impact they may have on your organisation
- What factors need to be considered when developing a successful digital transformation strategy
- Effective strategies other educational leaders are using to harness the potential of digital education
- How to challenge yourself and future-proof your institution by becoming a graduate of the EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy.
Day 1 – November 29, Wednesday
Vision-Making and Strategy
Focus: Vision-Making and Strategy
On this first day of the DELA seminar, you will:
– Learn how to mobilise a toolkit for guiding you and your team as digital education leaders;
– Discover how renowned educational leaders have developed a vision and strategy for digital education;
– Develop your own strategic thinking for digital transformation.
8:30 – 11:00 Official Welcome by EDEN DLE President / Presentation of EDEN DELA Seminar / Getting to Know Each Other / The Digital Education Leader’s Toolkit
Official welcome
Josep M. Duart, EDEN DLE President
Teresa Guasch, Vice-President Teaching and Learning, UOC
Presentation of the EDEN DELA seminar
Albert Sangrà, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Getting to Know Each Other: Brief Introductions
The Digital Education Leader’s Toolkit
Deborah Arnold, Chair, EDEN DLE Fellows Council
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:30 “Digital Transformation of Higher Education – what does it mean for leaders(ship)?” by Susannah Quinsee, VP (Digital and Student Experience) City University of London, UK
“Digital Transformation of Higher Education – what does it mean for leaders(ship)?” by Susannah Quinsee, VP (Digital and Student Experience) City University of London, UK
12:30 – 13:30 Networking Lunch
13:30 – 14:30 Real Life Case Example: Vision Making and Strategy
Real Life Case Example Vision Making and Strategy
Josep M. Duart, EDEN DLE President, UOC
Albert Sangrà, EDEN Fellows Council, Vice-Chair, UOC
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:00 Open Mic Session: Sharing Experiences and Contextualisation
Open Mic Session: Sharing Experiences and Contextualisation
Moderator: Marcelo Maina, UOC
17:00 – 17:30 Feedback From the Workshop and Wrap-Up
Albert Sangrà, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Day 2 – November 30 – Thursday
Tackling Digital Transformation Challenges
Focus: Tackling Digital Transformation Challenges
On this second day of the DELA seminar, you will:
– Discover how a leading education institution has addressed digital transformation challenges;
– Tackle wicked problems related to digital transformation;
– Discuss the latest trends in digital education leadership research;
– Enjoy a very special social event!
08:30 – 08:45 Introduction to Day 2: Tackling Digital Transformation Challenges
Mark Brown – Director, National Institute for Digital Learning (DCU, Ireland)
08:45 – 10:45 Real Life case example: Embedding Digital Transformation in a Learning and Teaching Plan, Aligned with Overall Strategy / Sharing Experiences of Digital Transformation
A real life case example: embedding digital transformation in a learning and teaching plan, aligned with overall strategy – Ale Armellini, Dean of Digital and Distributed Learning (University of Portsmouth, UK)
Sharing experiences of digital transformation with Ale Armellini
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 13:15 Current topics and concerns in Digital Higher Education. Problem-solving workshops
Workshop: Microcredentials from a leadership perspective
Deborah Arnold
Workshop: Leadership perspectives on AI and assessment
Albert Sangrà & Ale Armellini
13:15 – 14:15 Networking lunch
14:15 – 15:45 Workshop on Research in Digital Education Leadership
Workshop on Research in Digital Education Leadership
Albert Sangrà and Montse Guitert, Researchers of the Edul@b Research Group on Education and Technology
15:45- 16:15 Coffee break
16:15 – 17:00 Open Mic Session: Sharing Experiences and Contextualisation
Open Mic session: Sharing Experiences and Contextualisation
Moderator: Marcelo Maina, UOC
17:00 – 17.15 Feedback from the workshop and Wrap-up
Feedback from the workshop and Wrap-up
Josep M. Duart, EDEN DLE President, UOC
DELA Dinner and Social Program
DELA Dinner and Social Programme
19:00 – Visit to Gaudi Casa Milà (La Pedrera)
Dinner at Restaurant La Pomarada (after the visit)
Day 3 – December 1, Friday
Ensuring Your Institution Is Future-Ready
Focus: Ensuring Your Institution Is Future-Ready
On this third day of the DELA seminar, you will:
– Discover how a renowned educational institution designed a fit-for purpose organisational structure;
– Refine your understanding of leadership mindsets and actions;
– Tackle a concrete challenge to develop leadership capacity throughout your institution;
– Develop your own action plan;
– Receive your DELA diploma!
08:30 – 08:45 Introduction to Day 3 – Ensuring your institution is future-ready
Deborah Arnold
08:45 -10:45 Real Life Case Example: A Networked Structure For Digital Education.
Real Life Case Example: A Networked Structure For Digital Education
Tine Baelmans, Vice Rector for Educational Policy, KU Leuven, Belgium
Commentary and sharing experiences
With Tine Baelmans
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 13:15 Current Topics and Concerns in Digital Higher Education. Problem-solving workshops
Workshop: Third space leadership
Deborah Arnold
13:15 – 14:15 Networking Lunch
14:15 – 14:45 Open Mic session: Sharing Experiences and Contextualisation
Open Mic Session: Sharing Experiences and Contextualisation
Moderator: Marcelo Maina, UOC
14:45 – 15:45 Future Action Plans
Future Action Plans: Individual and group work on personalised actions plans for you and your institution
Deborah Arnold, Albert Sangrà
15.45 – 16:15 Conclusions, Feedback and Follow-Up
Conclusions, Feedback and Follow-Up
Josep M. Duart
16:15 – 16:45 Coffee Break
16:45 – 17:30 Diploma Delivering Ceremony and Group Photo
Diploma Delivering Ceremony and Group Photo
Josep M. Duart (EDEN DLE President) and members of EDEN DLE Management Board
EDEN DELA 2023 Speakers

Susannah Quinsee
Vice President For Digital and Student Experience
City University of London, UK
Day 1 – November 29, Wednesday
Vision-Making and Strategy
Ale Armellini
Dean of Digital and Distributed Learning
University of Portsmouth, UK
Day 2 – November 30, Thursday
Tackling Digital Transformation Challenges
Tine Baelmans
Vice Rector For Educational Policy
KU Leuven, Belgium
Day 3 – December 1, Friday
Ensuring Your Institution Is Future-Ready
EDEN DELA 2023 sessions will also feature speakers, such as Josep M. Duart (EDEN DLE President), Mark Brown (EDEN DLE Vice President of Strategy and Communication), Deborah Arnold (EDEN DLE Chair of the Fellows Council) and Albert Sangrà (Director for the UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change).

Josep M. Duart
EDEN DLE President

Mark Brown
EDEN DLE Vice President of Strategy and Communication

Deborah Arnold
EDEN DLE Chair of the Fellows Council

Albert Sangrà
Director for the UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change
More Information about the Speakers
Susannah Quinsee is Vice-President (Digital and Student Experience) at City, University of London. As Vice-President, she is the strategic lead for digital transformation as well as leading institutional projects and strategy to support student experience. She is an EMCC accredited coach, a National Teaching Fellow, a SEDA Senior Fellow and AdvanceHE HEA Principal Fellow. In 2017, she was appointed as a Learning and Teaching Excellence Ambassador by Advance HE to promote educational development. She researches on university digital futures and playful practice and leadership and is a Lego Serious Play practitioner. Susannah attempts to blog on a regular basis (www.sqhq.co.uk), particularly if it is about Lego and rekindling her love of women’s poetry, which she studied for her PhD. Susannah has four children, including twins and is passionate about inclusivity and wellbeing in higher education. Susannah is continually reflecting on how to achieve a “happy” balance between her professional and personal activities.
Alejandro (Ale) Armellini leads digital learning, learning innovation and pedagogic transformation, including on-campus and online provision, across all Faculties at the University of Portsmouth. He wrote and embedded the Digital Success Plan for Learning and Teaching in 2021, which became the centrepiece of the University’s new Education Strategy, co-developed by Ale in 2023. Before joining Portsmouth, Ale was Dean of Learning and Teaching at the University of Northampton, where he was the strategic lead for the redesign of all programmes for active blended learning (ABL). His work shaped Northampton’s flagship Waterside campus, which opened in 2018 – without lecture theatres, among other radical features. He publishes widely and is a reference point in areas including large-scale institutional transformation, ABL, learning design and innovative teaching practices. Ale is a National Teaching Fellow, a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce in the UK. He holds visiting professorships at several universities and is active in external examining and consultancy globally.
More information will be available soon.
Josep M. Duart holds a doctorate in Pedagogy from Ramon Llull University (URL), Barcelona, and a Master in Business Administration from ESADE Business School, Barcelona. He qualified from the University of Barcelona (UB) with a bachelor’s degree in History and in Education, and also has a teaching qualification. He is former vice president for Postgraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning, and former director of the International Graduate Institute at the Open University of Catalonia, UOC (2007-2013). The UOC is a benchmark online university, internationally recognised for quality e-learning, and Dr Duart has played an active role in the development of its educational model, which makes intensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Today he is research professor in Educational Sciences and Technology department at the UOC. He was the founder and director of the UNESCO Chair in e-Learning (2002-2009) and academic director of the I International Seminar “Leading Universities in the Knowledge Society”. He is the editor-in-chief of the “International Journal od Educational Technology in Higher Education” ethe.uoc.edu. (Former RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, rusc.uoc.edu) a journal published by Springer and co-edited by UOC and Universidad de los Andes (Colombia
Mark Brown is Ireland’s first full Professor and Chair in Digital Learning. He is widely published with over 800 scholarly outputs. Markfirst attended the annual EDEN conference in 2011 when the event was hosted in Dublin. In 2013, he relocated from New Zealand to Ireland to establish the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) at Dublin City University. Since then, he has actively contributed to EDEN online events and conferences. Over the past 8 years, Mark has served on both the EDEN UK Executive Committee and now on the Management Board for EDEN Digital Learning Europe. He is currently serving as Treasurer. Of particular note, is that Mark has played a lead role in helping to internationalise EDEN’s outreach, as evidenced by the inclusion of ODLAA (Australia), FLANZ (New Zealand) and USDLA (United States) in European Online and Distance Learning Week. In 2019, Mark was chair of the ICDE World Conference on Online Learning in Dublin, which included a successful EDEN pre-conference Research Workshop. Currently, Mark is well-known for his work in the burgeoning area of micro-credentials having served on the European Commission’s expert group and is currently EDEN’s academic lead for the EU-funded MicroCredX project.
Deborah Arnold has over three decades of experience in the field of education and training in Europe, in teaching, management and governance roles, Deborah obtained an international PhD from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in 2022 and was awarded the UOC special prize for the Education and ICT doctoral programme. Her research focuses on Digital Education Leadership in Higher Education. Deborah is currently Public Sector Solutions Project Leader at NTT DATA, leading a contract for the European Commission (EACEA). She was national and international projects coordinator at AUNEGe, the French digital university for economics and management (2018- 2023), digital strategy advisor and head of the audiovisual production, learning technology and distance education unit (2012-2018) at Université de Bourgogne, and e-learning project manager at Université Nancy 2 (2000-2011). A former Vice-President of EDEN, Deborah is an EDEN Senior Fellow and currently serves as Chair on the EDEN Fellows Council Board. She is a member of the Editorial Board of IJELT, the International Journal of Educational and Life Transitions and was Secretary of the Board of the Media and Learning Association from 2021 to 2023. She has published and presented widely on both the European projects in which she has been involved and on her research.
Albert Sangrà is Director for the UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change. Professor and researcher at the Open University of Catalonia, Department of Psychology and Education. Member of the founder team of this university (1994-95), where I served as Director, Methodology and Educational Innovation until 2004, being in charge of the educational model of the university; Director of the M.Sc. program in Education and ICT (e-learning) (2006-2012), and Director of the eLearn Center (2012-2014). I have worked as a consultant and trainer in several online and blended learning projects in Europe, America, Asia, and Australia, focusing on implementation strategies for the use of technology in teaching and learning and its quality. Former Vice-president, European Foundation of Quality on E-Learning (EFQUEL), and member of the Executive Committee of EDEN (2003-2009). Recipient of the 2015 Award for Excellence in eLearning awarded by the World Education Congress. Researcher at the Edul@b research group, and Research Associate at Contact North, Canada. Current Director of the Industrial Doctorates Programme, Government of Catalonia.
We want to offer a high quality professional development event about leadership in digital education, therefore, we kindly ask you to fill a short initial information about your leadership role and motivation for the course:
After filling-in this form we will review your application and will invite to perform the final registration.
Registration fees:
Registration fees | |
Early bird regular (till October 15, 2023) | 690 eur |
Regular | 750 eur |
Early bird EDEN member (till October 15, 2023) | 550 eur |
EDEN member | 590 eur |
- Partial waiver is available to low GDP countries.
- Discounts are applied to group registrations (3 and more) from the same organization.
- Contact: secretariat@eden-europe.eu
The venue for EDEN Digital Education Academy has been purposefully chosen to be Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. The UOC was created in 1995 as the world’s first university with a virtual campus, which allowed its students to study at any time from any location. The University continually uses cutting-edge e-learning research and innovation to refine the UOC methodology. This is possible thanks to UOC R&I and its 50 plus research groups, as well as the eLearning Innovation Center, which drives educational innovation at the UOC. With more than 100,000 graduates, it is now one of the biggest universities in Spain.
EDEN Digital Education Leadership Academy will be organized in a modern UOC campus located in an ex-industrial creative and cultural Poblenou area allowing an easy reach to the Barcelona central attractions and a walking distance to the beach.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, The U building Carrer del Perú, 52, 08018 Barcelona. See the location on Google Maps.

Plan Your Stay in Barcelona
Find below a list of hotels that are within a walking distance to Universitat Oberta de Catalunya:
- Four Points By Sheraton Barcelona
- The Hoxton
- SB Glow
- Paxton (More than 10 minutes walk from the venue)
- Novotel Barcelona City
Novotel Barcelona City Hotel is offering participants of EDEN DELA an attractive limited offer which is valid by November 14, 2023 and is first come first served basis:
DOUBLE ROOM | 170 € | |
VAT (10%) INCLUDED | ||
* Please note that in Novotel there are no twin bedded rooms; all the rooms have a queen size bed and a comfortable sofa bed (1.10 m)
- Prices are subject to changes of VAT
- Prepayment non-refundable when making the reservation through a link sent by the hotel. The city tax is to be paid upon arrival.
For reservations in Novotel Barcelona City please write directly: h5560-re2@accor.com and mention EDEN DLE.