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Knowledge Building Event – Trans-Sectorial Perspectives On Sustainability in Educational Institutions

January 24, 2024 @ 14:00 15:30


The aim of the event is to introduce the concept of sustainability in education institutions, from a trans-sectorial point of view, including higher education, VET and school. Therefore, understanding sustainability as a multifaceted concept through different lenses. Sustainability and sustainable and inclusive development at education institutions can be pursued and achieved via teaching and learning, research, transfer as well through governance and services. This KBA will explore these different facets.

European Digital Education Hub

The European Digital Education Hub (EDEH) is an initiative of the European Commission, funded by the Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) and operated by a consortium of eleven organisations, under a service contract with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

EDEN Digital Learning Europe Knowledge Building team is actively contributing to this Hub.

Monthly innovative events are organised to discover and debate which are the current and future challenges of the digital transformation of education.


Josep M. Duart, EDEN Digital Learning Europe President

Josep M Duart is EDEN Digital Learning Europe President. He holds a doctorate in Pedagogy from Ramon Llull University (URL), Barcelona, and a Master in Business Administration from ESADE Business School, Barcelona. He qualified from the University of Barcelona (UB) with a bachelor’s degree in History and in Education, and also has a teaching qualification. He is former vice president for Postgraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning, and former director of the International Graduate Institute at the Open University of Catalonia, UOC (2007-2013). Today he is research professor in Educational Sciences and Technology department at the UOC. He was the founder and director of the UNESCO Chair in e-Learning (2002-2009) and academic director of the I International Seminar “Leading Universities in the Knowledge Society”. He is the editor-in-chief of the “International Journal od Educational Technology in Higher Education” (Former RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, a journal published by Springer and co-edited by UOC and Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).


Daniella Tilbury, UK Government’s Representative on UNECE, Gibraltar

Daniella Tilbury is a academic leader and change-maker in Sustainable Development credited with having developed the initial frameworks for this area of learning. She has acted as an advisor to governments in China, Japan, Latin America, Europe and Oceania as well as travelled extensively in Africa to evaluate the impact of sustainability programmes. Prof Tilbury is the UK government’s representative on UNECE on matters relating to education and sustainable development. She holds numerous expert and advisory roles serving NGOs concerned with global governance and change for sustainable development as well as research agencies seeking to advance sustainable futures. Between 1995-2019 she Chaired several UN Committees and was commissioned to develop expert reviews, policy advice and sector evaluations. Daniellacontinues to be involved in international meetings on climate change and sustainable development informing texts and dialogues. Recently, Daniella was recognised with an Hon. Fellowship by St Catharine’s College, Cambridge University and a Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Girona.

Eva Cendon, Professor of Chair Adult and Continuing Education, FernUniversität, Germany

Eva Cendon is an educational scientist involved in lifelong learning with focus on higher education in the German speaking and European contexts since more ten years. She acts as national and international expert for competency and learning outcome orientation, for teaching and learning in higher education, new roles of teachers and ways of implementing lifelong learning at universities. Since March 2018 Eva is head of the Department of University Continuing Education, Teaching and Learning. As head of the research team in a governmental funded German wide initiative “Aufstieg durch Bildung – offene Hochschulen“ (Advancement through Education: Open Universities) she currently accompanies more than 100 universities in Germany in developing new concepts and programs for lifelong learning, building up new forms of cooperation with companies and other actors outside the university. Her main expertise and research interest lies in linking academic and professional knowledge in university teaching and learning.

Andrea Mangiatordi, Professor of Inclusive Education and Educational Technology, Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy

Andrea Mangiatordi is a researcher at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. He graduated in Communication and Multimedia Publishing and obtained a Ph.D. in the Quality of Life in the Information Society programme at the University of Milano-Bicocca. His work focuses on Accessibility in the areas of Online Communication and of Educational Content Design, with a specific interest in the sustainability of the application of Universal Design frameworks in educational contexts. He has been involved in the OLPC/CEIBAL project in Uruguay, where he conducted his doctoral research on the topic of computer-mediated social inclusion for children with disabilities. After winning an Innovation Grant, in 2016 dr. Mangiatordi also founded a tech startup to facilitate the transfer of his research results on a larger scale. Dr. Mangiatordi is a founding member of the University of the Future Network. Since 2018 he is a board member of the Open Access Journal Educational Technology in Higher Education.

Ana Isabel de Oliveria Andrade, Head of CIDTFF – Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Ana Isabel de Oliveira Andrade is professor of Didactics at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) where she teaches supervision and language education and where she supervises teacher-trainees’ internships in local schools. She coordinates the Research Group 1 – Languages, theories and practices in education and supervision of the research center focused on didactics and technology in teachers’ education (CIDTFF). She has been directing different master and PhD thesis and she is an author and co-author of several papers and participated in research projects in the field of teacher education. She coordinated projects in teacher education field at national and international level (for example, ILTE project – Intercomprehension in language teacher education and Languages and education: building and sharing teacher education paths). She has been responsible and evaluator of courses and curricular reforms in the field of teacher education programs at the University of Aveiro and at national level.