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Open Education Week 2024 – Rethinking Digital Assessment in the Age of GenAI

March 6, 2024 @ 13:00 14:30


Join us for this insightful webinar, where we bring together three international experts in educational technologies, digital assessment, and artificial intelligence. In the age of GenAI, understanding its impact on learners’ assessment is very important. This event aims to provide educators with insights into redesigning digital assessment strategies to meet the challenges and potential posed by GenAI. Also, AI-specific competencies, defined within the AI Pioneers project, will be introduced as part of the supplement of the DigCompEdu framework.

Format:  presentations with discussions


Giedrė Tamoliūnė, Lecturer and Researcher at Education Academy, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania


Giedrė Tamoliūnė is a lecturer and researcher at Education Academy, Vytautas Magnus University, involved in European and national scientific and applied projects that focus on different aspects of technology-enhanced teaching and learning, e.g., AI Pioneers, DigiProf, Digital micro-credentials in higher education, OER-Codex. Her research interests focus on technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education, lifelong learning, open education, and adult education. For the last several years, she has actively researched learning analytics for teaching and learning, micro-credentials, and digital assessment. She has been a Steering Committee member of the EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP) since 2023.


Graham Attwell, Director of the Spanish Research and Sevelopment SME, Pontydysgu, Greece


Graham Attwell is Director of the Spanish research and development SME, Pontydysgu. He has a degree in History and his current work as part of the European AI Pioneers project is looking at how interdisciplinary approaches to Generative AI can foster capacity building in Education and new understandings of innovation and knowledge development.

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Orna Farell, Associate Professor, Institute of Education at Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland


Orna Farrell is an Associate Professor specialising in digital education based in the School of Policy and Practice, Institute of Education at Dublin City University (DCU). Orna’s research interests include online pedagogy, online student success and engagement, eportfolio, and open educational practice. She has a growing publication record in her fields of interest, including a range of book chapters, journal articles, invited presentations, and conference papers. She has published in high-ranking journals such as Distance Education, the Journal of Interactive Media in Education, Research in Learning Technology, and the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. Orna is chair of the European Distance and E-Learning (EDEN) Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP) committee and a fellow of EDEN.

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George Bekiaridis, Director of Active Citizens Partnership, Greece


George Bekiaridis is Director of Active Citizens Partnership, a Non-Profit organization in Greece. He has a bachelor’s degree in informatics and a master’s degree in Distance Learning. He specialized in research and development into digital pedagogies and technology-enhanced learning. George Bekiaridis participated as a researcher in AI Pioneers, Taccle AI, and AI@School projects.

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