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Open Education Recognition and Credentials

WATCH THE RECORDING View the PresentationsPresentations & panel discussion Description: For flexible, open and online education to become reality, it is vital to increase trust in recognition and credentials through robust and reliable solutions. In Europe, we already have standards and tools that can be used to transparently describe qualifications. The European Qualifications Framework gives […]

Open Education Technologies

WATCH THE RECORDING View the PresentationsPresentations & panel discussion Description: The world is changing towards a more inclusive and interconnected global marketplace, where technology is playing an intensive role. Education actively responds to these changes by including more and more open education principles, quite often using diverse technologies to achieve so. Those institutions that enhance […]

Open Education for Civil Engagement and Democracy

WATCH THE RECORDING View the PresentationsPresentations & panel discussion Description: Open education has a key role to play in potentiating social inclusion. As noted by the European Commission for education in general (but is particularly relevant for open education) it helps to establish common values key to such inclusion: human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the […]

Unboxing the Textbook for an Open World

WATCH THE RECORDING View the PresentationPresentation & panel discussion Description: The textbook is an enduring staple of higher education, occupying a key role in formal educational settings. Practices may vary greatly in educational settings as to how the costs of textbooks are borne by students. Moreover, the role and nature of the textbook are changing […]

Microlearning and Quality for Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age

WATCH THE RECORDING View the Presentations Presentations & panel discussion Description: With the rise of technology, combined with the explosive growth of social media over the last decade, the concept of personalized mobile learning through bite-sized learning snippets has come to the fore. In addition, in the context of major global challenges such as globalization, […]

Open Education Week 2020

Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement. Its goal is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide, the free and open educational opportunities that exist for everyone, everywhere, right now.We want to highlight how open education can help people meet their goals in education, […]

UN UNESCO OER Recommendations, the Way Forward for Member Countries

      WATCH THE RECORDING      Description 195 UNESCO member states adopted the UNESCO Recommendation for Future International Collaboration in the field of Open Educational Resources (OER) in November 2019. This is a unique and important milestone that offers a great opportunity to promote open education worldwide. In this webinar, the five key points of […]

On Skills for Industry Strategy – Promoting Online Training Opportunities for the Workforce in Europe

    WATCH THE RECORDING      Description The initiative Promoting Online Training Opportunities for the Workforce in Europe prepared for the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (“EASME”) and the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (“DG GROW”) of the European Commission will be presented during this webinar. Kristina Dervojeda, PwC EU […]

AI and Understanding Learning

Watch the RecordingDescription Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become more relevant in the last years in the education and training landscape. AI may be characterized as started with machine learning (ML) as a path to humanlike intelligence. ML can treat an ocean of data with data mining techniques, data analytics and other similar approaches. And forms […]

Open Education Week 2020

Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement. Its goal is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide, the free and open educational opportunities that exist for everyone, everywhere, right now. We want to highlight how open education can help people meet their goals in […]

2020 Timisoara

EDEN 2020 Annual Conference, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Human and artificial intelligence for the society of the future Inspiring digital education for the next STE(A)M student generationIn the end, all innovation is social innovation and technologies become real when they change social practices.Ilkka Tuomi, EDEN Bruges Conference keynote 2019“Education is back where it belongs – at the […]

Organising Digital Conferences – Experience and Opportunities

Wednesday, 18 March 2020, 15:30 CETEDEN NAP webinar The webinar is arranged in cooperation with the Swedish Network for IT in Higher Education (ITHU). You will meet: Andrea Amft (Swedish Higher Education Authority), Alastair Creelman (Linnaeus University), Birgitta Hemmingsson (Mid-Sweden University), Markus Schneider (Karlstad University). The webinar will take place in the e-meeting platform Zoom. […]