Lifelong Learning Programme – Key Activity 3 ? ICT; Multilateral projectsThe CareNet project is aimed at developing a critical set of ICT competences for 2 identified ?at risk? target groups: care-workers and older persons. The project is designed to work in a synergistic way to tackle identified problems in the low skilled and under professionalised care-worker sector while at the same time promoting social inclusion and enhancing the quality of life of older people. The CareNet project will design, develop and pilot learning paths and resources based on cooperative learning between care workers and care recipients to promote improved quality of care and quality of life through the acquisition of care related digital competences. In addition, to answer specific needs, learning modules for individual learning, addressing ICT competences for employability and self-development (care workers) and ICT competences for active ageing (older people) will be created. In this way the project will contribute to: (1) the identified needs for professionalisation of care workers; (2) increased access to learning opportunities; (3) personal development of care workers and, ultimately, (4) overcoming the isolation of both care workers and older people by promoting social enterprise, active citizenship and active ageing.