CIP-ICT PSP-2011-5, Theme 3: ICT for Health, Ageing Well and Inclusion, Objective 3.2: Digital competences and social inclusion
The CARER+ project aims to identify new competences in the domiciliary care working sector to support older persons in the home – anticipating a new and vital role for care workers, as a CARER+, by developing a set of learning paths and educational resources for mobile and work based learning, that respond to major challenges to their professionalisation: isolation, access to technology, flexibility of study modes, lack of support and motivation, formal accreditation, recognition of prior experience, and scalability. The primary target groups addressed will be the relevant actors of social care sector: care workers and caregivers, their trainers within VET and Adult Education, older people, policy and decision makers, families, associations of care recipients and caregivers.