EU eLearning Initiative – Preparatory and innovative actions
The DELOS Project is aimed at preparing the conditions for the establishment of a sustainable observation system to accompany the e-Learning Action Plan in its present and future development. It is a comprehensive and participative action that builds convergence and coherence among existing observation tools and approaches available through international organisations, different services and agencies of the European Union and targeted observation projects in European Programmes such as SOCRATES, LEONARDO DA VINCI and IST.
Four main activities compose the project:
- Identification of relevant quantitative and qualitative indicators, of ICT in education and training, in a perspective of a “lifelong learning oriented” integration of these systems.
- Definition of collaborative strategies for data computing in which each relevant actor might contribute to data collection, analysis and distribution.
- Establishment of a solid partnership relation among the involved actors.
- Establish the economic and organisational conditions for learning term sustainability of the observation capacity established through the project through long term commitment of the relevant actors involved in the Steering Group of the project.