European Union project approved in the framework of the General Invitation to Tender No. DG XXII/14/96 for a study on “Technological, legal, economic and strategic watch on the supply of educational and software”
Project co-ordinator: Scienter, Bologna
Project aims:
- to collect information on, multimedia/audio-visual technologies and suppliers in order to evaluate the market size of the home, education and training sectors, and estimate about market trends over the next five years;
- to identify and to analyse the strategies of the suppliers and distributors and their respective competitive position on the European educational multimedia and audio-visual markets.
- to establish an inventory of the best available and most promising multimedia and audio-visual technologies, products and services in the field of educational and training
- to review and analyse the past and current policy initiatives for promoting the diffusion of multimedia and audio-visual, and evaluate their impact on the strategies of suppliers, distributors and users.
- to review the legal and financial processes concerning universal service provision, copy right and access to the financial market in a future perspective, to foresee about the consequences of the production and the diffusion of multimedia and audio-visual for educational purposes.