
Practices in Digital Education for Universities

Format: Panel discussion Description: The disruption in education due to the Covid pandemic highlighted the importance of practices in digital education and, in the end, influencing the education policies of many universities. For many university professionals, new theories and pedagogies related to digitalising education have become more actual than ever…

No. 7 – A Primer for Developing and Managing University Micro-Credentials

Description This webinar will introduce participants to the basics of micro-credentials including emerging definitions, the drivers of micro-credentials, affordances and challenges, types of micro-credentials, development of competency-based approaches for learning, minimum levels of performance and skill level domains for certification.  The panel will also share practical examples of micro-credentials from…

Continuing Education in practice as a tool to keep health professionals updated

Description One of the goals of the Higher Education Institutions is to extend the education process to professionals through Continuous Education Programs among which those useful to keep updated health professionals. Higher education institutions are not the only players within this field including also scientific societies, health services organizations and…

Collaborative online trusted relationships for multicultural exchange

DescriptionVirtual mobility and virtual exchange have become a way for international and intercultural collaboration of institutions, teachers and students, when the development of key competences and transversal skills are at focus. In fact, the importance and need for HE institution modernisation/internationalization and focus on student centred learning approach, as well…

Asynchronous approaches to teaching and learning

Description Asynchronous approaches to teaching and learning have been part of the DNA of distance and online education for over forty years. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic pivot online, synchronous video conferencing quickly became the norm and asynchronous approaches were largely ignored. However, the literature indicates that active communication between…

EDEN #onlinetogether webinar series

After the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were faced with a physical lockdown as well as education having to move fully online. When the pandemic first hit, EDEN promptly responded with the #onlinetogether initiative, gathering the EDEN and global education community together in order to share, to discuss, and…

What do I do as an educator with learning analytics?

WATCH THE RECORDING Description In this interactive webinar for EDEN, we will share lived experiences of how four organisations in six countries are using learning analytics on a daily basis. Some of these organisations have implemented learning analytics at an institutional scale, while others have created more specific and bespoke…

2021 Madrid

Lessons from a pandemic for the future of education The gradual transition from traditional classroom-based education to online teaching and learning has been accelerated by the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since it started, our way of life, work, and education have been irrevocably changed. When we look…


For more information please visit the Conference website.

Open Education Week, Virtual events

Open Education Week, Virtual events #OEW The goal of Open Education Week, Virtual events is to raise awareness and showcase impact of open education on teaching and learning worldwide. Open Education Week, Virtual events has become one of the most foremost global events recognizing high achievement and excellence in open…