Panel discussion This webinar focuses on the growth of open science and the plethora of open access scholarly publications in the area of digital education—for better and worse. It begins by reflecting on the 6th edition of the NIDL “top 10” good reads in the field of digital education. This…
ADD TO CALENDAR REGISTER Description Effective civic engagement relies on citizens to understand the society around them, question it, and come together to change it where necessary. As the pandemic has recently demonstrated, a large part of societal functions can take place online, and as such, so can civic engagement! Consequently,…
MORE INFO 2020 Open Classroom Conference Open and Distance Education: New Challenges and Perspectives Welcome from Dr Sofoklis Sotiriou, Ellinogermaniki Agogi and Jean Francois Réveillard, DBC Address from the president of European Distance and E-Learning Network Sandra Kucina Softic Keynote speeches Chair Nikos Zygouritsas, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece “Open Schooling…
WATCH THE RECORDING VIEW THE PRESENTATIONThis interactive session will explore critical thinking in higher education. The session will begin with Prof. Antonella Poce, and Dr. Maria Rosaria Re exploring the role of museums and digital storytelling in the development of student’ critical thinking skills in the University of Roma Tre.…
WATCH THE RECORDINGRegistered webinar participants will be awarded by EDEN open badges. Description Living in these times is challenging for everyone involved in education, students and teachers alike. Many teachers woke up one day with the obligation to transfer all their teaching to the online environment. However, many of them lacked the…
WATCH THE RECORDING VIEW THE PRESENTATIONS Debate Description:The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in many universities and colleges rapidly pivoting to online learning in response to unprecedented times. While 2020 has been described as the year of “the great onlining” of higher education there remains a common perception that online learning is…
After the swift spread of the COVD-19 pandemic this spring, we were faced with both a physical lockdown and with education having to move fully online. Summer brought some relief and the sense that things could potentially go back to as they were before. However, as autumn arrives, the pandemic…
REGISTER ADD TO CALENDAR Description In this webinar, we explore the question is the lecture dead? Will the traditional lecture format be a casualty of efforts to build back better? One of the biggest challenges facing educators when quickly moving to emergency remote online teaching was how to teach large classes…
WATCH THE RECORDING VIEW THE PRESENTATIONS Description During the last year, with education restrictions due to the global pandemic, when educational organizations across the globe were forced to move online under demanding timelines and with budget constraints, many educators have relied on open educational resources OERs to fill a critical…
WATCH THE RECORDING VIEW THE PRESENTATIONS Description Indeed, today most teachers and educators work in an online learning environment, yet for many of them their immersion in online teaching was a necessary response to the global pandemic. Overnight we changed physical, traditional, learning environment to an online environment. This brought many…
WATCH THE RECORDING VIEW THE PRESENTATIONSFormat: Presentation and panel discussion Description:The session presents case studies applied to VET and based on work based learning and training, recognition of competences with employers and training providers and innovative practices in apprenticeships based on the use of digital tools. Two of the presenters…