
Open Education: What Now?

Description: Open education is advocated by many as a means of improving educational effectiveness, access,  and equity. However, openness in education is increasingly under threat. More platforms and tools are raising paywalls and several MOOC platforms are already experimenting with fees for access to course material, thus making the open…

Virtual Reality

Format: Presentations and discussion Description:  With new technologies and digital devices we have changed our everyday life. We do not use books, now we use e-books, we do not watch how someone is doing something live, we watch the video, children do not play game outside but online, student do…

Considerations for Quality Assurance of e-Learning Provision

Format: Presentation/panel discussion Description: The learning landscape looks completely different today than it did five years ago. The way that learners are learning is changing dramatically. Today learning is available anywhere, and everywhere, and through any kind of device. Mobile learning is the first choice for most people today. Within…

New Learning Spaces to Support the EU 2020 Learning-Intensive Society

Format: Panel debate Description: “Learning Spaces” (LS) is the term used in a report published in 2006 by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, “as a way to embrace a different view of future learning”. The context for learning in the schools and HEIs, at any level, is already changing,…

How EDEN Network can Support PhD Students and Research?

Description: In EDEN we offer opportunities for people to meet, to discuss, to network, to share new ideas, to create new knowledge, etc. We do that for professionals, teachers and researchers, for students and supervisors, for academics and non-academics. We recognize the importance of fundamental, empirical or action research and want…

Innovative Education – Case Studies

Format: Presentations and panel Presenters: Fabio Nascimbeni, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, EDEN Senior Fellow. Title of presentation: Building Critical Digital Literacy for HE Teachers: the  Eduhack approach Jean-Claude Callens, Vives University, title of presentation: Evaluation in distance education @ VIVES: some tools and trends Simon Paul Atkinson, Principal Fellow…

Distance Education: Past, Present and Future – Overview and Foresight

Format: Panel debate Description: If we reflect today on Distance Education what can we say, does it satisfy learners needs today? How distance education has evolved through decades? It can be said that technology have been core to  the nature and organization of learning and teaching for millenia. What tools…