Antonella Poce
Antonella Poce currently holds the role of full professor in Experimental Pedagogy at the Department of Education and Humanities of the University Roma Tor Vergata, where she is the head of the INTELLECT Research Center (Center for Museum Heritage Education, Well-being and Technology in Education). She is the Head of the joint degree one-year post graduate courses “Museum Education. General Aspects”, “Heritage Education and Digital Technologies”, and of the joint degree two-years post graduate course “Advanced Studies in Museum Education”. She is author of different publications of national and international relevance on the topics of innovation, assessment and use of technology in teaching and learning, in the context of heritage experience. She took part in different national and European research projects on digital learning, soft skills development, critical thinking promotion and evaluation, use of heritage for fostering social inclusion. She has been a member of EDEN since 2009. In 2016 she was awarded the title of EDEN Fellow and in 2020 the title of EDEN Senior Fellow. From 2017 to 2020 she has been President of EDEN – NAP Network of Academics and Professionals.