Christian Schumann
Christian Schumann is Professor of Business Informatics at the West Saxon University of Zwickau. He received his doctorate and habilitation from Chemnitz University of Technology. Currently, he is university representative for international relations, head of the Center for New Forms of Study, director of the Institute for Management and Information, and dean of studies for master’s and distance learning programs. He holds leading positions in the Association of German Engineers and is involved in international organizations, for example, the German University Consortium for International Cooperation, the Chinese-German University of Applied Sciences, the Mexican-German University Cooperation, ICDE and SAE International. Additionally, he is chair of the Continental Network of the British, Academy of Management (BAM) and visiting member of the BAM council, a member of the Board of Directors of the Fellows Council of EDEN, a member of the Board of Directors of the Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics ASIIN as well as a member of the Delegate Assembly of the Society for Project Management in Germany.