EDEN NAP Webinar – Empowering Teaching Excellence Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, February 5 at 16:00 (CET)
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) promotes systematic, ethical, and reflexive enquiry by practitioners to inform professional practice. In this webinar, we will explore the role SoTL plays in higher education institutions and why it is particularly important for digital learning. Reflecting on the challenges SoTL brings for academics, we will discuss institutional support for SoTL and the impact it has at the school, faculty and institutional level through emergent communities of practice.
Our examples draw on our institutional and national contexts, and we would like to use this opportunity to hear about the role SoTL plays in other contexts. By presenting the activities undertaken at our institution and the impact they have had, we hope attendees will be inspired by these examples and be willing to share their experiences that will provide insight for others. We argue that SoTL provides the necessary bridge between technology and pedagogy to ensure the appropriate adoption of digital innovation to enhance teaching and learning.
Fiona Aiken is a Senior Lecturer, Staff tutor in the STEM faculty, School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences with the Open University, UK. Fiona’s current research interests are in educational research focussing on where improvements can be made to the student experience for disadvantaged students and to improving their retention and progression. Fiona is currently the chair of the EDEN NAP steering committee; part of the role involves over-seeing the programme of EDEN NAP webinars.
Diane Butler is a Professor of STEM Education in the School of Life, Health and Chemical Sciences at The Open University, UK. With an academic background in Life Sciences, her current interests focus on supporting academics to develop skills in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), and issues of diversity and inclusion in STEM teaching. She is Co-Academic Lead for Academic Promotions at the OU and a past Director of eSTEeM, the STEM Faculty’s Centre for Scholarship and Innovation past.
Trevor Collins (he/his) is a Senior Research Fellow at The Open University’s Knowledge Media Institute. His research interests are in the design and use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. He is the Director of The OpenSTEM Labs, which supports practical and practice-based learning at a distance, and a past Director of eSTEeM, the STEM Faculty’s Centre for Scholarship and Innovation.