EDEN NAP Webinar – Measuring Awareness of Using GenAI in University Studies: A Metacognitive Approach
Discussions on generative AI in higher education often focus on its potential and applications, but a deeper exploration of its impact on learning is essential. This webinar brings together educators, researchers, and professionals to examine the relationship between generative AI and the learning process from both teachers’ and learners’ perspectives.
Guest speakers will share insights and research on the intersection of AI, metacognition, and education. Join the webinar to discover how students engage with generative AI in higher education and how metacognitive strategies shape their awareness and use of these technologies.
Type of session: presentations with discussion
Duration: 90 minutes

Dr. Giedrė Tamoliūnė is an associate professor at Education Academy and senior specialist at the Institute for Study Innovations at Vytautas Magnus University. She is involved in European and national scientific and applied projects focusing on technology-enhanced teaching and learning aspects. Her research interests focus on technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education, digitally competent educators and institutions, the cooperation between EdTech and educational institutions, AI in education, and adult education. She has been a Steering Committee member of the EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP) since 2023.

Josep M. Duart holds a doctorate in Pedagogy from Ramon Llull University (URL), Barcelona, and a Master in Business Administration from ESADE Business School, Barcelona. He qualified from the University of Barcelona (UB) with a bachelor’s degree in History and Education and also has a teaching qualification.
He is former vice president for Postgraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning, and former director of the International Graduate Institute at the Open University of Catalonia, UOC (2007-2013). The UOC is a benchmark online university, internationally recognised for quality e-learning, and Dr Duart has played an active role in the development of its educational model, which makes intensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Today he is a research professor in the Educational Sciences and Technology department at the UOC. He is the EDEN DLE MB member and EDEN past president (2022-2024).

Prof. Dr. Airina Volungevičienė has been working among leading researchers, methodology specialists and education policy makers in the area of online and digital education development in Europe and Lithuania since 1997. Having established the national association Lithuanian Distance and e-Learning Association (2010), she continued as a leader in research and project work to promote the development of TEL in HE, schools, VET and adult learning. She researched, experimented with and searched for the added value of educational technology since 2004 before mainstreaming it for education, including quality assurance tools, virtual mobility, open educational resources, learning analytics, micro-credentials, AI and many other EdTech solutions.

Kateryna Harbarets has been working as a learning coordinator helping to run business educational programs at Deloitte Ukraine and assist within implementation of Learn to Discern program (IREX Ukraine) which aimed to integrate media and information literacy (MIL) education into Ukraine’s national school curricula. Now Kateryna is a second-year master’s degree student in Educational Management at Vytautas Magnus University with a keen interest in digital education. Within her Master thesis she is conducting research in area of AI application in higher education.