#EDEN President, Sandra Kucina Softic will join a discussion on New Skills for a Digital Age – The Increasing Role of Digital Literacy

#EDEN President, Sandra Kucina Softic will join a discussion on New Skills for a Digital Age – The Increasing Role of Digital Literacy in the frames of the Budapest #Eurasia Forum 2021 E-Conference titled “#Sustainable Recovery and Prosperity in Eurasia – Trends, Future, Solutions”.
Save the date: Date: 19 November, 12:10-13:05 CET
The public live event will be broadcasted in the website of the conference.
No prior registration is needed for the audience.
The esteemed participants of the education panel will be as follows:
- Mr. Paul CHEUNG, Director of Asia Competitiveness Institute and Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
- Mr.Sang-Hyun JANG, Director, Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS)
- Ms. Sandra KUČINA SOFTIĆ, President, European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN)
- Mr. Timothy O’CONNOR, Director of the Center of Competency, National University of Science and Technology MISIS (NUST MISIS)
An emerging new world order and megatrends in the economy require a new kind of thinking and new forms of international cooperation. In this spirit, the Budapest Eurasia Forum is presented for the third time by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), the central bank of Hungary. The prestigious event will take place in an online format on 18-19 November 2021, and under the title “Sustainable Recovery and Prosperity in Eurasia – Trends, Future, Solutions”, it brings together outstanding experts, decision-makers and business leaders representing various fields of economy, finance, geopolitics, technology and education from all over Asia and Europe.