
Election of EDEN NAP Steering Committee 2023

The present Steering Committee was elected in May 2020 for a three-year period. The term of office of the present NAP SC will be terminated in May 2023.

All NAP members are invited to take part in the nominations and the election. We look forward to an active election period that can add further momentum to the EDEN Community activities!

If you know a devoted EDEN member who could foster the EDEN NAP activities and is willing to contribute to make the services of EDEN more attractive and useful for members, do not hesitate to nominate her or him for NAP SC membership, please, write an email to!

You can find information about the main activities of the NAP Steering Committee, about its current members, the rules of election in the EDEN constitution and the election procedure on the EDEN DLE Website.

Your active participation is awaited to decide about this important EDEN body!

What are the main activities of the NAP Steering Committee?

The NAP department is a meeting place of EDEN individual members and the discussion forum of EDEN. The NAP activities are self-governed by its own elected body, the NAP Steering Committee (SC) and self-sustaining. EDEN individual members might initiate topics to discuss in the community.

The NAP activities are an important part of services EDEN provides to its members. The NAP Steering Committee should foster the NAP activities through initiating different activities, like webinars on relevant topics in the area of distance and e-learning.

If you are a member of the NAP SC you will always be informed about what happens in and around EDEN: The Chair of the NAP SC is invited to the Management Board meetings.

NAP SC members can count on the support of MB members as well as the Secretariat in their work: The Secretariat gives the technical background for virtual events: ensures the Zoom channel, uploads the supporting material before the meetings, organises the promotion and registration for the events, organises the award of open badges to the presenters, moderators and participants of the meetings.

NAP in the EDEN DLE Articles of Association

1. The Department of the Network of Academics and Professionals (in abbreviated form NAP)

Members of the NAP are the individual members of the Association and individuals working in one of the members from the institutional section:.

1.1 The NAP Department is governed by a Steering Committee of six members elected by the individual members of the Association. None of the elected members shall come from the same country. The term of office shall be three years. A Chair shall be elected from the members of the Steering Committee. No member shall serve more than two consecutive three year term as a member of the Steering Committee. A Deputy Chair might be elected from the members of the Steering Committee, taking the place of the Chair in all business, except the rights of a Management Board member if the Chair is elected in that position, as mentioned in 1.3.

1.2 Election of members of the Steering Committee shall take place by postal ballot (including electronic mail). Nominations for elected positions shall be invited from the members of the association at least four months before the new Steering Committee members are to take up office. The election shall be conducted by the Secretariat formed by the Association, and a deadline of votes shall be fixed not earlier than four weeks after the mailing of the nominations to the members of the section. The candidates who get the highest numbers of votes, and who do not come from the same country, shall be elected.

1.3 The elected Chair of the NAP Steering Committee will be proposed as a member of the Management Board. If the Chair is not elected as a member of the Management Board he/she will participate as an invited guest to the Management Board meetings without the right to vote or any other rights of the Management Board members.