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Knowledge Building Event – “How to Empower Teachers with a Critical Vision on Digital Competences?”
November 14, 2023 @ 14:00 – 15:30
The aim of the event is to approach digital competences in the EU focusing on the digital competences for educators in Higher Education and schools. The event will explore real case examples of the diverse digital competences for teachers and how such practices can empower students’ digital skills.
European Digital Education Hub
The European Digital Education Hub (EDEH) is an initiative of the European Commission, funded by the Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) and operated by a consortium of eleven organisations, under a service contract with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
EDEN Digital Learning Europe Knowledge Building team is actively contributing to this Hub.
Monthly innovative events are organised to discover and debate which are the current and future challenges of the digital transformation of education.

Teresa Romeu is researcher of Edul@b Research Group and associate profesor of the Psychology and Educational Sciences Department at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her R&I activity focuses on researching emerging educational scenarios and open, flexible and online teaching and learning strategies in order to transform and improve educational practice. She studies how institutions, organizations, teachers and administrators deal with these new scenarios, especially those mediated by digital technologies, in order to stay ahead of change and improve teaching and learning processes. She views students as lifelong learners (from school to retirement), citizens and professionals.

Montse Guitert is the principal research of Edul@b Research Group and professor of the Psychology and Educational Sciences Department. Her R&I focuses on researching emerging educational scenarios and open, flexible and online teaching and learning strategies in order to transform and improve educational practice. She studies how institutions, organizations, teachers and administrators deal with new scenarios, especially those involving digital technologies, in order to stay ahead of change and improve teaching and learning processes. She examines how students learn throughout their lives (from school through to retirement) as citizens and professionals.

Sandra Troia is Ministry of Education and Merit and Istituto Comprensivo Statale Alessandro Volta, a learning experience designer, trainer, and expert in digital competences and personal and social skills who works with public and private organisations. She was member of the European Commission’s expert group for combating disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training; a member of the Italian National Commission (digital skills area) for the selection procedure for recruiting teaching staff, member of the working group for updating the DigComp model to version 2.2.

Carol de Britos is Head of Studies and primary teacher of Escola Virolai, she is in charge of several scientific projects at the center as well as its social networks. She collaborates on different projects with the Blanquerna Ramón Lllull University (among others) on evaluation and Flipped Classroom. She participates with the UAB and several teachers in a working group on inquiry science in English. After having studied in an English school, it was not until she was already immersed in a degree in Biology that she realized what her vocation really was. At the Virolai School she found the ideal environment to unite her great passions: education, science and the English language. As she says, she became a teacher “to never stop learning new things”.

Arja Kangasharju, MA, is a doctoral candidate in the doctoral programme of School, Education, Society and Culture (SEDUCE) at Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki. Her research interests lie in the use of digital technologies as a way of supporting pupil’s learning. As such, her thesis aims to understand how digital tools can support middle school students’ writing skills. She works as a Finnish language and literature teacher at Lintumetsa school, a middle school in Espoo, Finland.