DIGI-HE: A strategic reflection tool on digitalisation at European higher education institutions

The project objectives are:

  • to gather data on the state of play of and strategic development goals and challenges in digitalisation in higher education institutions
  • to develop a self-assessment tool that will support European higher education institutions in their strategic approaches to digitalisation. The DIGI-HE tool will be constructed on the basis of the SELFIE tool (addressing the school sector) and its lessons learnt, the European Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organisations, and other existing tools geared to higher education institutions.
  • to build a community of practice to foster inter-institutional exchange of good practices. This should contribute to an accelerated and more strategic take-up of digitalisation at European higher education institutions.

DIGI-HE is led by European University Association (EUA) and a diverse consortium that consists of European higher education institutions and organisations actively involved in the development of digital learning across Europe.

Project partners are:

  • Dublin City University (DCU) – Ireland
  • Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) – Germany
  • Jÿvaskyla University (JYU) – Finland
  • Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) – Lithuania

Associate partners are:

  • European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) – United Kingdom
  • European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) – Belgium
  • Irish University Association (IAU) – Ireland

Project type: Erasmus+, Forward-Looking Cooperation Project, Key Action 3