eTTCampus 2.0
Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 – Transversal Programme, Key Activity 3 – ICT
The eTTCampus 2.0 project aims at consolidating the European Virtual Campus created in the predecessor eTTCampus project for teachers and trainers as a reference of new ICT trends and tools in education, opening it to a wider and multi-level target audience, transforming the campus into a social eLearning environment (elearning 2.0), integrating mentoring services and ensuring the campus as a reference of a knowledge management network of “ICT in education and training” professionals.
Tangible outcomes of the project will be based on the transformation and improvement of the collaborative eTTCampus website into a social web strategy, with an added value of new pedagogical resources and users, a database of rated Teachers and Trainers, learning services (besides pedagogic resources) and guidelines for the design and implementation of social web.
The eTTCampus 2.0 consortium is based on eTTNet and eTTCampus partners who, from 2001, are working on practices related to new scenarios, competency frameworks, elearning technology and quality.