Lifelong Learning Programme – COMENIUS; Network
The NEST project seeks to establish a network in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) staff development: it will contribute to overcome local visions, by creating links between institutions/practitioners/professionals, and by collecting learning resources in ECEC, making them available for a larger audience. It will provide policy makers with updated information and comparisons of data. The project aims at building a network that is able (1) to establish working groups in ECEC topics and issues, especially curriculum development; (2) to set up an online-based pool of learning resources and information to allow sharing for ECEC workforce and institutions at all levels in EU; (3) to build community, promote peer learning and support among ECEC staff; (4) to support and enlarge the community, through dissemination and exploitation of results and (5) to establish an effective system for monitoring and evaluating the network.