EDEN NAP Webinar – Reflections on GenAI and Scholarly Publishing: The Story of the Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning Special Issue on GenAI
In this session, the editors and authors of the Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL) will discuss the recent Special Issue on Exploring Technology Enhanced Learning Scholarship & Generative Artificial Intelligence. The focus will be on practitioner voices and critical reflections on using AI across diverse educational contexts, and purposes, and how this was articulated through submissions to the journal.
Type of session: presentations with discussion
Date: Thursday 25 January 2024 at 15:00 (CET)


Orna Farrell is Associate Professor specialising in digital education based in the School of Policy and Practice, Institute of Education at Dublin City University (DCU). Orna’s research interests include online pedagogy, online student success and engagement, eportfolio and open educational practice. She has a growing publication record in her fields of interest, including a range of book chapters, journal articles, invited presentations and conference papers. She has published in high ranking journals such as Distance Education, the Journal of Interactive Media in Education, Research in Learning Technology, and the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. Orna is chair of the European Distance and E-Learning (EDEN) Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP) committee and a fellow of EDEN.

Leigh Graves Wolf is teacher-scholar and an Assistant Professor in Educational Development with the Centre for Teaching and Learning at UCD. Her work focuses on online education, critical digital pedagogy, educator professional development and relationships mediated by and with technology. She has worked across the educational spectrum from primary to higher to further and lifelong. She believes passionately in collaboration and community. She’s the Lead Editor of the IJTEL Special Issue on GenAI of the Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL).

Tom Farrelly is Social Sciencie Lecturer and Academic Developer in Munster Technological University. Expert on Technology Enhanced Learning in support of teaching and learning strategy, currently he works on research, teaching and academic development. Have extensive experience in the development of blended delivery courses and modules and supporting teaching staff in developing digital literacy skills in support of their teaching and learning. In the past I he has acted as an external examiner for Limerick Institute of Technology, Dublin City University, Technological University Dublin, Notre Dame University Australia and the University of Western Australia. He’s editor of the Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL)

Fiona Concannon is the Editor of the Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL). She’s lecturer on Learning Technologies at the University of Galway, Ireland. She’s interested in Technology Enhanced Learning, Learning Theory, Learning Design, HCI, ICT in education, eLearning and all things education and technology related.

Andrea Zellner is a Learning Design Consultant at Oakland Schools, serving 208,000 K-12 students in southeast Michigan, USA. She holds a Phd in Educational Psychology and Education Technology from Michigan State University, and also serves as a teacher-consultant for the National Writing Project. Her research focuses on the roles of social networks (both online and face-to-face) on learning, especially in the area of peer review of writing and the impact of AI on learning and writing.

Abby MacGuire professional experience spans 14 years in administrative and faculty roles, including serving as the Director of Research for the Online Learning Consortium’s Research Center for Digital Learning & Leadership, where she led the organization’s research, publications, and thought leadership efforts. Prior to her work at the OLC, she served as Director of Academic Support and First-Year Retention at Alma College, where she led student support and success tracking and initiatives. She also previously taught for more than a decade in the Department of English Language and Literature at CMU. Her research interests include online, blended, and digital learning; digital pedagogy; writing pedagogy; online organizational structure; adjunct faculty support; digital literacy; global digital citizenship education, workforce skill development, and effortless perfection.

Apostolos Koutropoulos is the program coordinator for the online MA program in applied linguistics and a faculty member in the instructional design program at UMass Boston. He has participated in many massive online open courses (MOOCs) and has co-authored research papers with his colleagues in the MobiMOOC Research Team (MRT). AK holds a BA in computer science, an MBA with a focus on human resources, an MS in information technology, an MEd in instructional design, and an MA in applied linguistics. His research interests include knowledge management, educational technology, linguistics, and epistemology.

Maria D. Avgerinou is the Program Coordinator for the MA in Learning Design and Technology. For the past 20 years, as a certified online educator and academic in universities in the US, UK, and more recently in Greece, Dr. Avgerinou has taught, published, and presented extensively on the research and practice of online and blended learning (K12 and Higher Education), action research, and visual literacy for education and training with particular emphasis on teacher education and professional development. With postdoctoral diplomas on e-Learning Design, Implementation, and Evaluation from the University of London (UK), the University of Hull (UK), and Indiana University (US), Dr. Avgerinou has also acted as a consultant in education and corporate training.

Willie Golden investigates how Information Systems and Business Analytics are impactful on Learning and Decision Making. His research interests centre around better understanding how different types of Information systems – such as Business Analytics, Mobile, Learning Management Systems – enable people to learn and by so doing make better decisions. He is at present particularly interested in Learning Analytics.