EDEN NAP Webinar – The Use of Rubrics From Teacher and Student Perspective – Case of DOBA Business School, February 7 at 16:00 (CET)
In 2018 DOBA Business School (DBS) started with the pilot introduction of RUBRICS as a tool with pre-defined performance criteria on the basis of which we assess students’ achievements and provide on-time feedback.
In 2022/23 DBS conducted internal evaluation of the preparation and the use of rubrics for improving the quality of study process, student assessment and the provision of feedback focusing on two research questions: How teachers use Rubrics to support implementation and improve the quality of assessment and how students use and evaluate the use of Rubrics?
Interim results showed positive attitudes of teachers (and students) towards using rubrics, some pointers for further research and effective implementation as well as number of examples of good practice that has been developed. Therefore, the aim of the webinar will be:
- To introduce the concept of Rubrics and explain its benefits and relevance in online learning;
- To present the model of systematically introducing Rubrics at DBS;
- To compare and contrast teachers’ and students’ perceptions on the use of Rubrics at DBS;
- To discuss the implications of the evaluation results on the further use of Rubrics at DBS.
Type of session: presentations with discussion


Dr Orna Farrell is Associate Professor specialising in digital education based in the School of Policy and Practice, Institute of Education at Dublin City University (DCU). Orna’s research interests include online pedagogy, online student success and engagement, eportfolio and open educational practice. She has a growing publication record in her fields of interest, including a range of book chapters, journal articles, invited presentations and conference papers. She has published in high ranking journals such as Distance Education, the Journal of Interactive Media in Education, Research in Learning Technology, and the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. Orna is chair of the European Distance and E-Learning (EDEN) Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP) committee and a fellow of EDEN.

Dr. Mateja Brejc is Assistant Professors and collaborates with DBS, primarily teaching subjects in the field of online education for several years at both undergraduate and master’s levels at DBS. She participates in delivering lectures, trainings and workshops to the teachers and lecturers at DBS aimed at development of competences and skills for high quality online teaching Her research focuses on online education, pedagogical innovation, and, more recently, on artificial intelligence in education. In recent years at DBS, she has organized and led consultations, scientific conferences, and development meetings on the topics of online education and artificial intelligence.

Dr. Marko Divjak is employed at DBS, where he has been teaching online courses related to psychology and research methodology for more than ten years. He is a member of the research group and the Institute for e-Education at DBS. He has been involved in the activities related to upgrade and improvement of the online learning model at DBS. Also, he participates in delivering lectures, trainings and workshops to the teachers and lecturers at DBS aimed at development of competences and skills for high quality online teaching. His research is focused on the fields of online education and positive psychology and on the implementation of the concepts of positive psychology in education and organizational settings.