Sign Up For a Free Personalised Mentorship on Digital Education
Mentorship programme
The European Digital Education Hub offers free expert support to digital education professionals through mentorships. You have the opportunity to participate in a digital education mentorship, specifically focused on your personal area of interest, goals or actions. Mentorships are organised in 3 sessions of 2 hours each. Mentors are high-level European experts in the field of digital education who will be matched with you based on your needs.
You can indicate whether you would like to have colleagues from your organisation involved, for example a member of the same course or programme team, a teacher of the same learner group, an expert from teaching and learning support services or an institution leader. This will ensure that the mentoring sessions are contextualised, with maximum individual and institutional impact.
During the mentorship sessions, your personal interest and the goals you would like to pursue are central. Examples of topics include:
- hybrid, blended or online course and curriculum design
- the development of micro-credentials and microlearning in continuing education
- institutional leadership for digital education
- digital collaborative teaching and learning
- e-assessment, collaborative courses or curricula and digital mobility
- quality assurance and institutional policies/conditions for digital education
Mentorships can relate to all education and training sectors (primary or secondary education, higher education, vocational education and training, adult learning).
Sign up now!
You can join the mentorship programme by filling in this application form.
*Mentorships are only available to members of the European Digital Education Hub. Signing up is simple with this registration form.
The European Digital Education Hub (EDEH) is an initiative of the European Commission, funded by the Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) and operated by a consortium of eleven organisations, under a service contract with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). EDEN is actively contributing to the Hub.