
Finding Open Nuggets: Discovering and Demystifying the Published Literature

WATCH THE RECORDING Presentations & panel discussion Description:This webinar explores the rich offerings available to European educators in open access journals. It begins by sharing some “good reads” published over the past year and then discusses key lessons, tensions and takeaways emerging from a rich colour pallet of openly available…

Online educational courses on cultural topics – helping the Creative Industries sector reinvent itself during a crisis- EDEN NAP webinar

WATCH THE RECORDING Presentations & panel discussion Description:This webinar proposes to present innovative pedagogical trends, of MOOCs created around the topic of digital cultural heritage. The study cases will demonstrate how these courses are created in order to have a better interaction with students remotely in synchronous and asynchronous ways. As…

2020 Athens

Open and Distance Education: New challenges and Perspectives

Supporting educators and education in COVID-19 crisis – EDEN perspective

The International Council for Open and Distant Education (ICDE) will hold its President Forum on 25 November 2020. Prior to the 25 November regional consultations a series of activities will take place in the form of Satellite Engagement Events. The outcomes from these events hosted by ICDE partner associations will…

Social presence and interaction in e-learning

WATCH THE RECORDING Description This interactive session will explore the role of social interaction in online teaching and learning in higher education. The session will begin with Prof. Terry Anderson introducing the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework and the relevance of interaction. Then, Dr Adriana Kiczkowski will share a study…

Students’ perspective and experience on higher education in 2020

WATCH THE RECORDING VIEW THE PRESENTATIONS Type of session: presentations with discussion Description Since the Covid-19 pandemic started and higher education activities transitioned (sometimes abruptly) to the online, we have seen many opinions, struggles and best practices from eLearning experts, teachers and researchers. During this webinar, we propose to find out…

We are all in this together – Rising to the challenges

WATCH THE RECORDING VIEW THE PRESENTATION Panel debate Description: Aim of this season is to share on the global level insight on how four leading professional bodies—European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN), United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) and Flexible Learning Association…

ICDE Global Outlook to OER: What’s on the calendar and how to engage?

WATCH THE RECORDING VIEW THE PRESENTATIONSInternational Council for Open and Distance Education – ICDE is the leading global membership organisation for open, flexible and distance learning. ICDE is a not-for-profit, Non-Governmental Organisation registered in Norway with more than 250 members and partners impacting 15+ million students across six continents. The…