
DIGI-HE Final Report: The Future of Digitally Enhanced Learning and Teaching in European Higher Education Institutions


DIGI-HE was designed to help universities develop their digitally enhanced learning and teaching (DELT) capabilities. The main goal of the project was to encourage and support a reflection on institutional strategy development and enhancement, through good practice sharing and peer learning among university leadership, and to contribute to community building.

The DIGI-HE project consortium was formed by the European University Association (EUA), Dublin City University (DCU, Ireland), Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW, Germany), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU, Lithuania) and the University of Jyväskylä (JYU, Finland). EDEN DLE was member of the advisory board and associate partner together with European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) and the Irish University Association (IAU). The project kicked-off in January 2020.

Find more information about DIGI-HE the official website of the project.

DIGI-HE Final Report: The Future of Digitally Enhanced Learning and Teaching in European Higher Education Institutions

This final report is an analysis of the digital enhanced learning and teaching (DELT) of the past three years including the challenging COVID-19 pandemic period. The document presents the evolution and results of the project in the frame of the European system and its institutions. Therefore, the report also aims to help the institutions to examine this difficult time and how to approach DELT in the future.

DELT became the default method of higher education delivery, almost overnight. This provided unique opportunities for exchange and engagement throughout the different pandemic phases, but the emergency process did not allow institutions to explore models that combine and synergise physical and digital, on- and off-campus settings.

Read the full DIGI-HE Final Report by clicking on the button below:

Other Publications

Find below a list of other publications by the DIGI-HE consortium that encapsulates the journey and the evolution of the project to the final report: