Register Now! Join us next Tuesday 6th June for “Designing Open Online Learning: Inside of MOOCs” on the European Digital Education Hub
The aim of the event is to address the challenges that teachers and educators face in the design of MOOCs. MOOCs have become even more popular during the pandemic as the way people learn and how access knowledge has drastically changed. The session will discuss how to ensure the high quality and accessibility of MOOCs, which criteria and standards to follow in MOOC design and what kind of support teachers and educators need. The discussion will focus on the exchange of experience and knowledge on this topic.
Join us next Tuesday June 6th at 14:00 (CET) on the Knowledge Building Channel of the European Digital Education Hub!
European Digital Education Hub
The European Digital Education Hub (EDEH) is an initiative of the European Commission, funded by the Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) and operated by a consortium of eleven organisations, under a service contract with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
EDEN Digital Learning Europe Knowledge Building team is actively contributing to this Hub.
Monthly innovative events are organised to discover and debate which are the current and future challenges of the digital transformation of education.
Registration open until Tuesday June 6th at 10:00 (CET)

Sandra Kučina Softić is the Assistant Director at the University of Zagreb University Computing Centre SRCE (Croatia). She is also the Head of the E-learning Centre at SRCE. She has over 25 years of experience working in higher education. She is also active in the field of open education. She is actively involved in international projects and is a speaker at conferences. She has published over 30 papers and is the author of training courses for teachers on digital competences. In 2021, she authored a book on digital transformation in higher education published in Croatian. She has a master’s degree in Digital Education from the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) and a PhD in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Zagreb (Croatia). She was president of the European Distance and E-learning Network EDEN UK (2019-2022. She is the vice president of the EDEN DLE.

Willem van Valkenburg is the Executive Director of the TU Delft Extension School for Continuing Education based in the Netherlands. The Extension School offers open and online education to professionals and lifelong learners worldwide. The Extension School has developed more than 150 MOOCs in the last 10 years. Since 2003 he has been active in the field of ICT in education. Since the start in 2014 of the Extension School Willem has been involved in different roles within the organization. Willem has been active in many educational innovation projects funded by the university, Dutch government and the European Commission (Erasmus). Together with colleagues Willem developed a pedagogical model for their MOOC development. Willem holds a Master of Science in System Engineering Policy Analysis & Management (SEPAM) of Delft University of Technology.
Presentation: “TU Delft Course Development Process: supporting teachers in creating high- quality MOOCs”:

António M. Teixeira is Associate Professor of open, distance and network education at the Universidade Aberta (UAb), where he has been Pro-Rector for Innovation in Distance Education and has chaired the Department of Distance Education and eLearning. He is also a researcher at the University of Lisbon and collaborates regularly with the Università degli Studi Tre. He was President of EDEN –European Distance and E-learning Network (2013-16) and is currently a member of the Board of the Council of EDEN . His mainresearch interest is on educational innovation, open education, particularly MOOCs, distance learning and learning futures. He has related to the MOOC movement from its early stages, having coauthored the first institutional pedagogical model in the world dedicated to massive open education – the iMOOC. He has also codesigned the sMOOC pedagogical model.
Presentation: “Between C and X, the European hybrid way of designing MOOCs”:

Maite Fernández-Ferrer is a member of the research group Learning, Media & Social Interactions and of the teaching innovation group Evaluation and Technology (GIDUB-13/149), both led by Dr. Elena Cano. Since 2010 she has been part of various studies about competencies and learning and quality assessment in higher education, and has participated in several scientific conferences on the subject, both national and international. In 2017, and thanks to a pre doctoral fellowship from the Catalan government, she completed her international doctoral program presenting her thesis on e-learning and specifically about the Massive Open Online Courses and their assessment. Since the same year, she is working as a lecturer at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia) teaching in the university master’s degrees “Quality Management and Evaluation in Higher Education”, “Educational Psychology” and “E-learning”.
Presentation: “The key steps to creating a MOOC”

Diana Andone is the Director of the eLearning Center of Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, responsible for planning and implementing digital education and associate professor in multimedia, interactive and web technologies. She has extensive research experience with intense publication (over 17 books, 100 research papers, 11 Best paper Awards, reviewer at 6 major journals and several other publications, associate editor at IEEE Transactions on Education, co-chair IEEE ICALT iOpenLearn) and more than 30 research and educational international projects. Dr. Andone is EDEN Senior Fellow, IEEE Education Society 2021 Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award winner, EDEN Vice-President for Communication and Communities (2018-2021), and member in IEEE Education Society Board of Governors (2021-present), in IEEE Romania Section the Educational activities Chair (2019-present) and in EUA Digital Transformation Steering Committee.
Presentation: “Developing Open MOOCs for digital competences for educators (high-school, universities, lifelonglearning)”