Transparent Assessment for Online Learning by Digitally Competent Professors
The Project
The aim of Digi-Prof project is to support HE teachers and HE institutions to design and implement transparent assessment for online learning and recognition of learning outcomes by proposing methodology, guidelines, practical tools and training material to develop their digital competences.
The general goals explained above will be pursued through the following objectives:
- Prepare methodological guidelines, tools and training material for HE teachers.
- Develop HE teacher digital assessment competences.
- Prepare the guidelines for HE institutions to implement transparent assessment of learning outcomes for online and blended learning, leading to digital and micro-credentials.
- Design online and blended learning curricula for virtual and blended cooperation of consortium institutions embedding transparent assessment and mutual recognition of learning outcomes.
Find here “The Guidelines for HE Institutions to Implement Transparent Assessment of Learning Outcomes for Online and Blended Learning Leading to Digital Micro-credentials” of the Digi-Prof Project. The Guidelines are available in English, German, Lithuanian, Catalan, Portuguese and Polish:
Training Material
Click on the flags below in order to have access to the new training material of the Digi-Prof project. Available in English, German, Lithuanian, Catalan, Portuguese and Polish:
DigiProf Transnational partner meeting in Katowice February 29 – March 1

DigiProf project partners had the last face to face project meeting in the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. It was a good opportunity to discuss the final activities of the project, plan the preparation of courses for virtual collaboration and virtual mobility of students in partner universities. Partners were happy to meet and agreed to collaborate in the future as well.
Short Staff Trainining Event in Barcelona May 9-12

Professors and lecturers of 5 partner universities (VMU, Aveiro university, University of Silesia, DHBW Heilbron and UOC) participated in the international short staff training event for Digitally Competent Professors in Open University of Catalonia (OUC) in Barcelona. The
staff training event also allowed to test the prepared training materials about assessment of open online learning (O1), learner monitoring and support (O2) and preparation of courses with micro-credentials (O3).
Transnational Partner meeting in Barcelona May 8-9
Before the short staff training event partners of DIgiProf also had a partner meeting to discuss the coming project task and agree on fluent project cooperation.
Poster Presentation in EDEN 2022 Research Workshop in Dubrovnik

An introductory Poster of the Digi-Prof project was presented in the EDEN 2022 Research Workshop in Dubrovnik, September 19-20. Represented by Sandra Kucina Softic (EDEN DLE Management Board Member) and Carlos Madrid Gari (EDEN DLE), the poster presents in a direct and intiutive way the main ideas and objectives of the project. You can download the poster, here.
Digi-Prof Partner Meeting in Aveiro

The Digi-Prof consortium reunited in Aveiro (Portugal) during 18-19 October for a transnational meeting that helped to establish the future steps of the project. Both days helped to reflect on the first year of Digi-Prof and set up the challenges ahead and the goals of the whole consortium.
Digi-Prof Transnational Meeting in Kaunas

The 26 and 27 of April took place the first in person meeting of the DIGI-PROF project in Kaunas, Lithuania, hosted by Vytautas Magnus University. A great occasion for all partners to share the progress of the project and the future steps that will follow.
Project partners also had the chance to visit a 3D Reality tour exhibition of the most famous Lithuanian painter and composer Konstantinas Čiurlionis paintings called “Angel Trails” as part of Kaunas 2022 European Capital of Culture.
Digi-Prof Project Kick-Off Meeting

The past 28 of January took place the Kick Off Meeting for the Digi-Prof project with the collaboration of EDEN Digital Learning Europe, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Universidade de Aveiro, Uniwersytet Slaski and Duale HochSchule Baden-Württemberg Heilbronn.
The aim of DIGI – PROF project is to support HE teachers and HE institutions to design and implement transparent assessment for online learning and recognition of learning outcomes by proposing methodology, guidelines, practical tools and training material to develop their digital competences.
In consequence, the main goals of this project are:
- Establish good practice examples on how to successfully design transparent assessment for online learning in HE and, therefore, support teachers in HE by developing their competences.
- Improve student satisfaction and success, support and engagement with learning achievements in HE teaching practices and to foster collaboration between teachers and students.
- Strengthen HE institutional capabilities through teacher competences and institutional preparation for transparent assessment and micro credentialization, along with the improved courses and established possibilities for international and inter-institutional collaboration.
- 10 BA courses developed for HE inter-institutional, international, teacher and student collaboration, opening new ways for virtual and blended studies. Also, diverse training materials for teachers and students.
The Digi-Prof project is formed by the following partners:
- Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) – Project Coordinator
- Contact: Airina Volungevičienė (Vytautas Magnus University): airina.volungeviciene@vdu.lt
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)
- Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)
- Uniwersytet Slaski (Poland)
- Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Heilbronn (Germany)
- EDEN Digital Learning Europe (Estonia)