
European Digital Education Hub Meeting in Brussels, 22-23 April 2024

EDEN Digital Learning Europe representatives Carlos Madrid Gari and Dr. Sandra Kučina Softić participated in the European Digital Education Hub partner meeting held in Brussels on April 22-23, 2024. Georgi Dimitrov, Digital Education DG-EAC greeted participants.  Activities were divided into two parts, one that was focused on the EDEH and another on Higher Education Interoperability. All partners reflected on the successful first two years of EDEH and continued exploring and discussing ideas for the future

On the first day before noon, the Higher Education Interoperability Workgroup held their meeting at the DAAD premises in Brussels. Dr. Sandra Kučina Softić, EDEN Vice-President of Open Professional Collaboration, is a member of this Workgroup. During the meeting, members discussed how to maximise value and sustain the work done by the consortium on higher education interoperability and the progress of the Use Cases related to learners’ journey.

Join the Hub for monthly innovative events on the most relevant field of digital education on the Knowledge Building Channel, such as the May 21 event on “Ethics in Using AI”. You can register, here.Join the European Digital Education Hub to be part of the community of practice that is envisioning the future of digital education in Europe, the Hub also implements personalized mentoring and clinics. Find more information, here.

The European Digital Education Hub (EDEH) is an initiative of the European Commission, funded by the Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) and operated by a consortium of 13 organisations under a service contract with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).