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EODLW 2023 – Open Educational Resources (OER) for Collaborative Online & Distance Education and eXchange, Thursday November 9 at 13:00 (CET)
November 9, 2023 @ 13:00 – 14:30
The session is organized in the framework of Erasmus+ OER-CODEX project to introduce a conceptual framework of Collaborative Online International Learning. The focus of the event is to observe and provide recommendations on how to organize COIL projects, why teachers should apply COIL projects in their teaching and learning, and how to set up Online collaborative learning courses with Digital resources. Event participants will be introduced to the training material developed within the OER-Codex project framework regarding the development and use of open educational resources for collaborative learning.
We aim to train educators in online collaborative learning and foster their digital competencies.
Format: Presentations and discussion with participants

Aušra Rutkienė is professor at Institute of Education at Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) since 2023. Earlier she was working as an associate prof. at VMU (since 2009). She is involved in students’ teaching at BA, MA and PhD levels, in management of MA programme Educational Management, and research in the field of education. She is a head of the Department of Education Management and Policy of Personal research areas: adult learning, technology enhanced learning, quantitative research methodology and data analysis. Took part in several European and national programmes and projects (FP6, ERASMUS+, TEMPUS). She is producing documents at university and national levels, carrying out studies, organising events to learn from projects and making visible results and findings on national and international levels. Ausra Rutkiene is co-author of several monographs, research studies, textbook, and number of national and international publications.
She is a mathematics teacher at Kaunas Jonas Jablonskis gymnasium too. She is teaching according to the national and International Baccalaureate curriculum.

Eric Schoop is head of the Chair of Business Information Systems, especially Information Management, at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Dresden University of Technology – TUD, Germany, since 1993. Research, teaching and related knowledge transfer projects concentrate on the changes induced by the digital transformation on teaching & learning in Higher Education (HE) and on knowledge management in networked organisations. Main field of interest is the digitalisation and internationalisation of HE to foster 21st century skills by means of COIL projects (collaborative online international learning), enhancing virtual mobility. These projects take place in regular HE course modules and are based on the VCL framework (virtual collaborative learning), developed at the chair and consisting of collaborative case study work in international mixed teams, guided by qualified e-Tutors and supported by learning analytics, pedagogical conversational agents and gamification. The central research paradigms are Design Science Research and Action Research.

Mattis Altmann is research associate and PhD student at the Chair of Business Information Systems – Information Management at the faculty of Economics at the TU Dresden. He teaches in the scope of virtual and international collaboration in small groups as well as case study design and formative Feedback. Further he is project manager in a Erasmus+ capacity building project which aims for the implementation of Virtual Mobility and Internationalization@home in the Western Balkan regions. His research areas include the design of case studies to foster virtual collaboration and formative Feedback in COIL modules.

Nelli Ukhova is research associate at the Chair of Business Information Systems, esp. Information Management at the faculty of Business and Economics in Dresden University of Technology. She is project manager in Erasmus+ KA2 project OER-CODEX that aims to provide educators with OER (Open Educational Resources) courses, conveying digital teaching and learning methods of online collaborative learning, with the aim to increase the capacity and readiness of HE institutions to manage an effective shift towards digital education. She is also involved in DAAD-funded initiatives Ukraine Digital I and II, supporting Ukrainian partner institutions with the maintenance and enhancement of online studies during the war time. Nelli’s research interests are centered around the internationalization and digitalization of higher education in Ukraine. Her specific focus lies in advancing 21st-century skills among learners and establishing Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) modules to promote cross-cultural learning experiences in Ukrainian HE.

Nada Trunk finished her doctorate in social sciences from Manchester Metropolitan University in Great Britain. She currently works as a researcher, teacher and management consultant at three higher education institutions in Slovenia: University of Primorska (http://www.fm-kp.si/en), ISSBS (https://mfdps.si/en/) and EMUNI (https://emuni.si/). Her expertise is in higher education governance, research methodology and academic writing skills, and quality in tertiary education, knowledge recognition, lifelong learning, online learning and EU policies in education and social inclusion. She has international experience in managing international projects, managing conferences such as https://makelearn.mfdps.si/ and editing journals, currently https://www.iospress.nl/journal/human-systems-management/.

Giedrė Tamoliūnė is a lecturer and researcher at Education Academy, Vytautas Magnus University, involved in European and national scientific and applied projects that focus on different aspects of technology-enhanced teaching and learning, e.g., AI Pioneers, DigiProf, Digital micro-credentials in higher education, OER-Codex. Her research interests focus on technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education, lifelong learning, open education, and adult education. For the last several years, she has actively researched learning analytics for teaching and learning, micro-credentials, and digital assessment. She has been a Steering Committee member of the EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP) since 2023.

Valerij Dermol (researcher, 14 yrs at ISSBS) primary research and teaching areas are focused on the fields of management, organisational learning, and entrepreneurship. He combines the three fields to deepen the understanding of employees’ and management’s training and development and their influence on organisational learning performance and organizational effectiveness. Besides, his published papers and monographs in many cases relate to topics such as LLL and entrepreneurial learning. For the last two years, he has been involved in numerous domestic as well as European projects such as Jean Monnet (EU-Pika, EU+pik@), Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs project, LdV projects, Erasmus+, KA3, etc. Dr. Dermol is currently ISSBS professor of courses related to entrepreneurship, HRM and knowledge management. Previously he was working as a consultant and trainer on the topics of leadership as well as marketing and sales. He was working in a European-based international consultancy company as well as in his own company, in which he worked as an entrepreneur and director. Because all the ISSBS’s study programmes are delivered partly in e-classroom dr. Dermol has recently put much effort in the development of the ISSBS’s e-infrastructure.

Sarita Paudel is a senior lecturer and researcher at Institute of Digitalization and Informatics in the Department of Science and Technology in IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria. She is involved in teaching at BA and MA levels in several study programs including Informatics, Digital Business Innovation & Transformation, and Medical & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; and in industrial projects. Formerly, Sarita was with AIT Austrian Institute of Technology as a Scientist. During her time at AIT, Sarita was participated in several national and international research projects. Her research focuses on data science, artificial intelligence, anomaly detection in cyber-physical systems, technology-enhanced online & collaborative teaching and learning. She has published several articles that relates to her research interest and is a reviewer of e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Journal.