
Ahmad Fareed Al Saif image

First steps of the QUEST Project

The 27th of January took place the QUEST kick off meeting where organizational guidelines were established in order to develop a project to contribute to the skilling of all educators in using digital technologies effectively in their teaching and training process by qualifying them into high-quality Instructional Design (ID), contributing to the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.

The QUEST project has the following objectives:

  • Contribute to the harmonization, at European level, of the skills of the Instructional Designer profession.
  • Facilitate the mobility of Instructional Designers at European level
  • Increase the capacity to develop attractive eLearning at European level
  • Qualify professionals with previously acquired knowledge and skills in Instructional Design.

EDEN Digital Learning Europe is a participating organization along with ISQ e-learning, Foundation EFCoCert, Future In Perspective Limited, Universidade Europeia and Turun YLIOPISTO.