New article on EURODL: “Challenges and opportunities of using a cooperative digital educational plan. Evaluation of the implementation”
A new article of the Volume & Issue: Volume 24 (2022) – Issue 1 (October 2022) of EURODL is already available. “Challenges and opportunities of using a cooperative digital educational plan. Evaluation of the implementation” by Kathrina Walther, Silvia Fränkel, Thomas Hennemann and Dennis C. Hövel.
The virtual school board (VSB) offers teachers a browser-based platform to support a multilevel, evidence-based educational plan. The present study examines teachers’ use of the VSB. Based on technology acceptance model (TAM), 17 teachers from nine schools were interviewed about their use of the VSB. The evaluation was based on qualitative content analysis (QCA). For seven categories the intercoder reliabilities were acceptable. After 24 months, the users said that they used the VSB for support planning, diagnostics, discussions with parents and other documentation. They rated the overview gained and the interdisciplinary exchange as beneficial. However, a lack of technical expertise within the staff, the technical equipment and the user interface hindered teachers, such that almost a fifth never used the software completely. The challenges are complex. Needless to say, missing, little or old technical hardware is likely to decrease the usage of a digital tool; the implementation also faces the challenges of recontextualisation, and additionally faces the resource-labelling dilemma. Therefore, these challenges must be dealt with in the mutual interaction between school practice, educational research and professional information and communication technology (ICT) development.
Read the full article, here.