Giedré Tamoliūné
Dr Giedrė Tamoliūnė is a lecturer and researcher at Education Academy, Vytautas Magnus University, involved in European and national scientific and applied projects that focus on different aspects of technology-enhanced teaching and learning, e.g., AI Pioneers, Transparent Assessment for Online Learning by Digitally Competent Professors,Digital micro-credentials in higher education, OER-Codex. Her research interests focus on technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education, lifelong learning, open education, and adult education. For the last several years, she has actively researched learning analytics for teaching and learning, micro-credentials, and digital assessment. Since 2015 Giedre has been an active member of EDEN and LieDM (Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning) networks, participating in research events, conferences, and workshops, and presenting her research results.
As a senior specialist at the Innovative Study Institute, Education Academy, VMU, Giedrė creates and delivers teacher training courses for VMU teachers and educators from other formal and non-formal educational institutions. Finally, she works as an independent expert for project selection and report assessment in education for the Lithuanian Education Exchanges Support Foundation.