Virtual events

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EODLW 2023 – Open Educational Resources (OER) for Collaborative Online & Distance Education and eXchange, Thursday November 9 at 13:00 (CET)

Description The session is organized in the framework of Erasmus+ OER-CODEX project to introduce a conceptual framework of Collaborative Online International Learning. The focus of the event is to observe and provide recommendations on how to organize COIL projects, why teachers should apply COIL projects in their teaching and learning, and how to set up […]

EODLW 2023 – Renewable Assignments: Current Practices in Higher Education, Thursday, November 9, 2023, 15:00 (CET)

DescriptionRenewable assignments, unlike disposable assignments, are “assignments which both support an individual student's learning and result in new or improved open educational resources that provide a lasting benefit to the broader community of learners” (Wiley & Hilton, 2018). This webinar will introduce the concept of renewable assignment and various experiences with assignments in higher education […]

EODLW 2023 – “E-learning competences For Instructional Designers and Courses with Micro-credentials”, Friday, November 10, 2023, 11:00 (CET)

Description The QUEST Project - Qualifying for the Ultimate Engaging Smart Training, is a project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, in the scope of Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships in Vocation Education and Training. It is a partnership of six organisations from five European countries: ISQe (Portugal), IADE (Portugal), University of Turku (Finland), […]

EDEN NAP Webinar – Creative Research Methodologies in Online Distance Education

Description How we do research in online distance education is changing and evolving. In this Eden NAP webinar we will explore new and creative ways to research and advance our collective understanding in the field of online distance education. Type of session: presentations with discussionModeratorSpeakers

EDEN NAP Webinar – Reflections on GenAI and scholarly publishing: The story of the Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning special issue on GenAI

Description In this session, the editors and authors of the Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL) will discuss the recent Special Issue on Exploring Technology Enhanced Learning Scholarship & Generative Artificial Intelligence. The focus will be on practitioner voices and critical reflections on using AI across diverse educational contexts, and purposes, and how this […]

EDEN NAP Webinar – The Use of Rubrics From Teacher and Student Perspective – Case of DOBA Business School

Watch the session here. DescriptionIn 2018 DOBA Business School (DBS) started with the pilot introduction of RUBRICS as a tool with pre-defined performance criteria on the basis of which we assess students' achievements and provide on-time feedback. In 2022/23 DBS conducted internal evaluation of the preparation and the use of rubrics for improving the quality of […]

Open Education Week 2024 – The Future of AI in Formal and Informal Education Contexts: Inclusion, Ethics and New Perspectives

DescriptionThe panel will discuss the potential role and impact of artificial intelligence in both formal and informal educational contexts, highlighting the ethical implications and possibilities in terms of promoting the social and cultural inclusion of different categories of learners, such as those with protected characteristics (such as disability). In the panel, experts will present case […]

Open Education Week 2024 – Insights on Technology-supported Teaching, Learning and Teacher Development in Contexts of Low Resources and Marginalisation

DescriptionRemote access to educational resources and opportunities for study or professional development increasingly depend on continuous access to technology, particularly smartphones and other mobile devices. Many people find themselves excluded, due to limited personal and local resources as well as multiple forms of marginalisation. In this session we present experiences and research findings from recent […]

EDEN NAP Webinar – Using Interactive Live Broadcasts For Developing Students’ Practical Skills

Description Practical and practice-based learning is highly valued for introducing students to the distinctive practices, concepts, and values of various disciplines. However, this type of learning may be difficult or daunting for some online and distance students to access.  In this session we will explore how live and interactive web broadcasts can be used to introduce […]

EDEN NAP Webinar – Reimagining Assessment: Integrating Durable Skills and Leveraging AI Technologies

Description In the evolving landscape of education, traditional assessment methods are being reevaluated to better reflect the critical and enduring skills needed for success in the 21st century. This webinar delves into innovative approaches to assessment that emphasize credentials and skills over rote learning. Furthermore, artificial intelligence can provide more personalized learning experiences and accurate […]

Watch all sessions now! European Open and Digital Learning Week (EODLW) 2024

EDEN proudly hosted the European Open and Digital Learning Week (EODLW) for the ninth year in a row. This year's theme was:  Tomorrow’s Teaching&LearningDates: 11-15 November, 2024The event was organised in partnership with, the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), which will be holding its National Distance Learning Week (NDLW), and the Flexible Learning Association of […]