Watch Now All The Sessions! – European Open and Digital Learning Week (EODLW) 2023
EDEN proudly hosted for the eight year in a row the European Open and Digital Learning Week (EODLW).
This year’s theme was: Education in the Digital Age: What can we do better?
Dates: 6-10 November 2023
The event was organized in partnership with the Coimbra Group Education Innovation and Doctoral Studies Working Groups, the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), who will be holding its National Distance Learning Week (NDLW), and Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand (FLANZ) and Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA), who joined efforts to offer the Asia-Pacific Online and Distance Education Week (APODE).
Many thanks to the 776 participants that joined us for EODLW 2023!
Description: The transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) spans across different sectors, including education. A high performing digital education ecosystem will increasingly include the use of AI at all levels including for teaching and learning. For Adult Education and VET teachers and trainers there are many possible uses of AI including new opportunities for adapting learning content based on student’s needs, new processes for assessment, analysing possible bottlenecks in learners’ domain understanding and improvement in guidance for learners. Since increasing our knowledge and understanding of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its ethical educational deployment becomes more and more important, experts and researchers will share insights and results (in relation to the AIPioneers project) regarding the issues of capacity, both systemic and institutional, through working with teachers and trainers, educational planners, stakeholders, and policy makers in Adult Education and VET. Find more information, here.
Format: Presentations
Moderator: Graham Atwell
Speakers: Ana Dias, George Bekiaridis, Lisa Meyne and Alexia Antzaka
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Description: How can well-being be promoted in the university context? And what role could the use of technology and heritage play? The session, through the participation of seven experts from different European and non-European institutions, aims to investigate research experiences in the field of promoting and evaluating well-being in formal Higher Education contexts, especially through the use of heritage and technology as educational tools. Find more information, here.
Format: Presentations
Moderator: Antonella Poce
Speakers: Thomas Kador, Antonia Liguori, Diana Andone, Gila Kurtz, Keren Koresh, Maria Rosaria Re and Mara Valente
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Description: Increasing online learning possibilities are also challenges for teachers in HE in terms of transparent assessment. Introduction of micro-credentials is also closely related to certain assessment procedures that need to be implemented for transparent implementation. New open and free training courses are available to support HE teachers and HE institutions to design and implement transparent assessment for online learning and recognition of learning outcomes by proposing methodology, guidelines, practical tools and training material to develop their digital competences. The guidelines for HE institutions to implement transparent assessment of learning outcomes for online and blended learning, leading to digital and micro-credentials will be presented. Find more information, here.
Format: Presentations
Moderator: Elena Trepulé
Speakers: Airina Volungevičiené, Rimanté Cepauskiene, Estela Dauksiene and Giedré Tamoliūné
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Description: This hybrid session will be part of the ICDE 2023 conference. The session will analyse the main changes in the teaching and learning processes in higher education in different regions of the world after the pandemic period. The session will provide a vision of the future and will emphasise the analysis of the leading digital transformations that higher education is undergoing. It will consider the perspective of educational leadership, teaching models, teachers’ and students’ competencies, among other aspects. Find more information, here.
Format: Panel
Moderator: Josep M. Duart
Speakers: Sandra Kučina Softić, Andreia Inamorato Dos Santos, Álvaro Galvis and Farah Bennani
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Description: The session is organized in the framework of Erasmus+ OER-CODEX project to introduce a conceptual framework of Collaborative Online International Learning. The focus of the event is to observe and provide recommendations on how to organize COIL projects, why teachers should apply COIL projects in their teaching and learning, and how to set up Online collaborative learning courses with Digital resources. Event participants will be introduced to the training material developed within the OER-Codex project framework regarding the development and use of open educational resources for collaborative learning.
We aim to train educators in online collaborative learning and foster their digital competencies. Find more information, here.
Format: Presentations and discussion with participants
Moderator: Aušra Rutkienė
Speakers: Eric Schoop, Mattis Altmann, Nelli Ukhova, Nada Trunk, Giedrė Tamoliūnė, Valerij Dermol and Sarita Paudel
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Description: Renewable assignments, unlike disposable assignments, are “assignments which both support an individual student’s learning and result in new or improved open educational resources that provide a lasting benefit to the broader community of learners” (Wiley & Hilton, 2018). This webinar will introduce the concept of renewable assignment and various experiences with assignments in higher education that go beyond disposable assignments, in a continuum that ends with renewable assignments as openly licensed student-created OER. The presentations will be followed by Q+A and discussion. Find more information, here.
Format: Presentations and discussion with participants.
Moderator: Inés Gil-Jaurena
Speakers: Colum A. Foley, Jennifer Van Allen and Stacy Katz
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Description: The QUEST Project – Qualifying for the Ultimate Engaging Smart Training, is a project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, in the scope of Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships in Vocation Education and Training. It is a partnership of six organisations from five European countries: ISQe (Portugal), IADE (Portugal), University of Turku (Finland), Future in Perspective (Ireland), EFCoCert Foundation (Switzerland) and EDEN DLE (Estonia). Jointly, project has undertaken the task of developing the European Instructional Designer Professional Profile, the respective qualification, and Recognition of Prior Learning process for this profile, along with other relevant products. The webinar intends to present the outcomes of the project describing the Elearning Instructional Designer (EIDe) competence framework in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes developed in the implementation. This is denominated the EIDe professional profile translated into a competence matrix for European Qualification Framework level 6 in terms of a set of Learning Outcomes per Competence Unit.It is also planned to present the online courses created during the project. It is an European Instructional Designer eLearning program with respective pedagogical architecture, training methodology and interactive training materials supported by an Artificial Intelligence tutor bot. Session will be filled by 15 minutes for the professional profile and curriculum and by 15 minutes for the existing online courses and micro-credentials. Rest of the webinar will be spent on discussion and debating the existing materials. Find more information, here.
Format: Presentations with discussion
Moderator: Carlos Madrid Gari
Speakers: Alfredo Soeiro and Maria Moreira
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Description: Session structure:
Design thinking with constructionist technologies (Chronis Kynigos), school implementations (Christothea Herodotou, Sofia Papavlasopoulou, Marianthi Griziotzi), evaluation methods and pilot results (Carina Girvan), extending technologies with emergent technology affordances (Marcelo Milrad, Marianthi Griziotzi), opportunities and Challenges of AI (Manolis Mavrikis) and 20 min discussion. Find more information, here.
Format: Presentations with discussion
Moderator: Christothea Herodotou
Speakers: Chronis Kynigos, Sofia Papavlasopoulou, Marianthi Grizioti, Carina Girvan, Marcelo Milrad and Manolis Mavrikis
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